recap on new 125 gallon tank


Reefing newb
I have taken everyones advice on here and leaving the tank alone. However my levels for ammonia, nitrates and nitrites are still remaining the same. Now there is brown everywhere. Its on the rocks(reef rock not live) the glass and its turning the white shells in the coral/live sand. From what I understand brown is bad. BTW the hermit crabs and snails I already had in there thier shells are turning purple
purple is a good sign, thats corraline algae the brown is most likely diatoms, is your tank new? btw whereabouts do you live in wilkes barre? i live in skichshinny, by nanticoke and berwick
The tank is new my first one so learning as I go. After some bad advice from lfs and petco to prematurely add live stock I'm trying to get it going. Today my levels for ammonia and nitrates are zero and nitrates are 5.0 ph 8.1 actually live in edwardsville near border of larksville
Currently revamping tank upon some suggestions on here. I moved the two sump returns(1200gph x2) two 700 gph circulator pumps in center near bulk heads pointing towards center and one power head not sure on rate I believe only 350 gph on right wall glass pointing towards center tank but plan on upgrading that and adding same on left glass wall. In the sump I have a Mrineland 350 magnum with polish filter running into a 9w UV light.


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also to state as well that white fog that settled everywhere from startup blocked filter so after cleaning it it was all over sump pumps and hoses, I checked water and like stated earlier my numbers except for nitrates where at zero I emptied approx 35 gallons from sump tank and cleaned everything and refilling now for my water change