Picture of the day.

You coming up for the Chattanooga game? I have season tickets at the 50. Hopefully we will win like the last time you guys came up to play. We need to try to even up the overall record some.
No, well prob not. I have to work on Saturdays so I usually only get to go to the home games. Luckily I'm still a student so I can get in the home games for free. Yea overall we have yall by a few (I won't say the record)
It is like 20 games I think. But I would rather watch a UTC game in person than to go to many big college games. They don't have 90+ thousand at the games and the prices are affordable.
Was playing around with my macro lens today:

He's so coooooool!!!
And so small..,,he's fun to watch. Unlike my big mantis my G.T, this lil guy is making tunnels everywhere! I guess the size matters...yes that's what she says.. Haha....it's funnay watching him shoot the substrate and the dotty back's eyes...it's like a me burning rubber in gravel, shooting it into my worst enemies eyes :p
Is that a mantis Shrimp ??? Can you keep theses guys in a reef aquarium ??? Do they attsack fish ???? I also heard they can break glass aquariums ?

Yes its a mantis. Yes my lil guy is in a "reef" aquarium. But is all depnds on what type of mantis/how big he/she is and what type of fish are in the tank. The two fish in the tank with him are very fast and keep their distance. As far as breaking an aquarium....the mantis would have to be about 6 inches and teased to break the glass. Or a lot of mantis's dig so anyone who owns a mantis knows to line the bottom of the tank with acrylic or plexi glass.:Cheers:
my mushrooms are a little ticked off and retracted but still look good :P


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