Reefing newb
- Location
- ontario canada
Hey all. My tank is over two years old. Have never kept sps's before have always wanted too. So about a week ago I decided to get a few easier to keep ones. From what I was told anyways. Just some info on my tank to maybe help someone answer my question easier. It's a sump less 20 gallon long I do run a protein skimmer. I don't dose anything I do however do weekly around 12% water changes with instant ocean maintaining a specific gravity of 1.025. My parameters as of yesterday were as follows:
Salinity 1.025
Temp:79 never fluctuates more then half a degree at the most
Ph 8.1
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates under 10 ppm judging by the colour
Calcium 440
Phophates 0
Thats all I have tests for at the moment. I run my Moonlight LEDs for 14 hrs a day and both Daylight and Moonlight for 11.5 hrs a day. Basically I'm thinking it might be bleaching but from what I've read there is a ton of causes that could make that happen not just lights. I believe it's a type of Montipora digitata. At night it glows red and looks fuzzy. Even when the Moonlight are off and I look at it with a flashlight the brown on it looks dark and fuzzy like all the polyps are out. However during the day it doesn't have that fuzzy look at all. I acclimated it with 15 mins of temp acclamation, followed by 1.5 hrs of drip acclamation and had it on my sandbed for 2 days before raising it to acclimate it to my lights. If I'm leaving any info out please feel free to ask. Here are some pics.
shot from last night (phone cam doesnt do the colour any justice)
first day i moved it up from acclimating it to my lights
shot from today a little over a week since ive had it i beleive
THe frag is glued onto a small piece of LR that does habve a tendency to move a bit since its not sitting on a flat surface so maybe its just under different lighting it appears to look different. Fact is i dont really know what im looking for and would love a more trained eyes opinion. Also the very tops of the frag at the points are white. Hard to see in the pics. I also have it under high indirect flow and its pretty high up in my tank considering my tank is only 12 inches deep. I read magnesium and alkalinity are also key factors when working with sps. Should i maybe start testing for these? Or is my weekly water change regiment enough to keep those trace elements stable. Any tips or advice are greatly appreciated. I really want to start getting into different varities of sps but want an easier one to flourish before i go buying any more. I also bought a monti cap. IT looks great to me. Then again i dont really know what im looking for on those either. Just juding by the red colour.
Salinity 1.025
Temp:79 never fluctuates more then half a degree at the most
Ph 8.1
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates under 10 ppm judging by the colour
Calcium 440
Phophates 0
Thats all I have tests for at the moment. I run my Moonlight LEDs for 14 hrs a day and both Daylight and Moonlight for 11.5 hrs a day. Basically I'm thinking it might be bleaching but from what I've read there is a ton of causes that could make that happen not just lights. I believe it's a type of Montipora digitata. At night it glows red and looks fuzzy. Even when the Moonlight are off and I look at it with a flashlight the brown on it looks dark and fuzzy like all the polyps are out. However during the day it doesn't have that fuzzy look at all. I acclimated it with 15 mins of temp acclamation, followed by 1.5 hrs of drip acclamation and had it on my sandbed for 2 days before raising it to acclimate it to my lights. If I'm leaving any info out please feel free to ask. Here are some pics.
shot from last night (phone cam doesnt do the colour any justice)
first day i moved it up from acclimating it to my lights
shot from today a little over a week since ive had it i beleive
THe frag is glued onto a small piece of LR that does habve a tendency to move a bit since its not sitting on a flat surface so maybe its just under different lighting it appears to look different. Fact is i dont really know what im looking for and would love a more trained eyes opinion. Also the very tops of the frag at the points are white. Hard to see in the pics. I also have it under high indirect flow and its pretty high up in my tank considering my tank is only 12 inches deep. I read magnesium and alkalinity are also key factors when working with sps. Should i maybe start testing for these? Or is my weekly water change regiment enough to keep those trace elements stable. Any tips or advice are greatly appreciated. I really want to start getting into different varities of sps but want an easier one to flourish before i go buying any more. I also bought a monti cap. IT looks great to me. Then again i dont really know what im looking for on those either. Just juding by the red colour.