Picture of the day.

Shrimp Louie coming up to say hi

Dana your slipping---is this thread going away??? How do you get your photos to publish bigger? I use photobucket and they all come out small.
Yea I know. Been working more hours at work. Got some new toys and just been busy....I use photobucket Anderson make sure when u paste the code u erase othe at the front and back of the URL

This thread stays...ppl just need to help out hen I'm slacking.
I would help out, but I'd probably just end up posting pics of all my cats, and we all know how that'd go over... :( Like a lead balloon. :lol:
Okay, I will work on taking some pics! Maybe not necessarily of the cats. I know they can be lame. And most of them look the same anyways!! :D
This picture makes me not only lol because its like... "which way did he go George, which way!" lol

BUT it shows kinda how complex their eyes can really move. He literally can be looking at me and processing my image and also with the other eye focus on another thing.

Shot this inbetween shifts today.

Is there still an invert POTM? You're going to kill it.

idk...im sure Dennis has a few tricks up his sleeve with a starfish or somethin....psh lately i think we have alot stiffer competion all around. The battles are pretty close.. a

as for inverts idk if there is but for me it be a battle between el guapo and my harlequin no name shrimp.....cant wait to see him under the LEDS