My first tank - 60g

Man, the way the color on those zoas pop is incredible! And wow what a very cool and very large starfish, make sure he gets enough to eat!
Not expensive at all. Here in the US, that would be the price of 2 or 3 polyps. That rock looks to have dozens of polyps.

Damn,move away from Arizona,far away!I counted 28+ heads Josh.Here they are mostly sold as frags which are generally 2-3 polyps.A whole colony like yours could easily be $200 dollars here.

I'm thinking about ordering some from Pacific East Biff.3 polyp frags/5 different acans for $89.99-free shipping.

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gg, ill put pics up with the moonlights its insane. that is an insane cost for that piece. want a frag? wish i could send some
Individual acan polyps at my LFS run $10 to $30 for run of the mill color types :( Special colored ones are even more expensive. :(

I love acans, but most of mine are blah. It's all I can afford!
Man, Biff your getting yoked. :( You may want to check out the livestock classifides at nano-reefs I see great deals there all the time. Even with the shipping costs it would still be cheaper.
Thanks. I don't shop much at my LFS. Most of what I have in my tank either came from online stores or other hobbyists. And right now it's pretty full. I won't be buying stuff for my tank for a long time.
Alot of people won't keep linkiias because of the high mortality rate. They seem to starve to death easily.
I've read that most of the deaths are with the purple ones, the other colors for some reason have more success
Alot of people won't keep linkiias because of the high mortality rate. They seem to starve to death easily.

Does my tank look underfed? :P

I feed these guys tooooo often I think, just enough to keep nitrates at 0.

+ the first linkia I put in has been there for 2 months.

but yea, Ive hard linkias are a hit andm iss because most people dont know much about them. I dunno, I chuck about 5 cubes in when I spot feed and feed all fish, so plenty to go around.
A few updates, bought a new rock with zoa's on it.

and here are a few older updates i dont think i posted


Not sure on the name of these

my anemone fully open and happy

And my acro

Thanks cage! they are very interesting, havent seen any of them around before, i should take a better picture with my slr though, those were off my phone
Thanks david :) i feel bad, i want to buy so much more for this tank, but am running out of space! Sooooon I will need this tank ive been planning.

Plus, LFS has new fish and corals, time to go shopping? i think so