My first tank - 60g

Ok, so remember I said I was heading to the LFS? I picked up a few pieces

I ended up getting the sea apple which is a little bit stressed still but has attached himself already


I got a nice Chalice, purple on the outside and green on the inside. A corner of it was cracked though, so instead of one nice big piece, its broken into two with a smaller piece fragged off it. (the top left corner)


a finger leather coral (closed at the moment)


And a bubble tipped anemone. Which is absolutely tiny.. I love it :D


To top it all off. The tank has been completely rescaped. It will stay like this for a while until the guy from my LFS comes round with some rocks to help me change it to something new. So would love to hear what you guys think or how to improve it :D

thanks! the aquascape has definitely improved since before! i have always wanted the sea Apple, there just so bright :D

i also want your clam th grrr lol
Thanks reef! Definitely living on the edge, I couldnt find the BTA this morning, and now, he is dead :( he must have floated around through the night because i found him in the front of the powerhead! he had somehow gotten through the protective cover provided with the koralia 2 which is quite irritating...
Your reef tanks only like 2 months old right? I hate to say it Josh but, your tank may just be too new to support a BTA yet.
Brian, my tank is almost 5 months old :) and it supporting a magnifficent anemone for about 3-4 weeks now. I think this one was just unfortunate getting caught in the fan
Oh ok, now I see the beginning of march in your sig. Glad to hear nothing bad happened to your tank at least
Am very happy about that. Most likely it didnt have time to release or it was too small for its toxins to effect this size tank.
holy crap. that is so expensive. so this piece would have been about 200 dollars?
the shop i went to had a frogspawn for 170 which was 15x15 inches which i thought was an incredible price.