I am trying to take it fairly slow in stocking my tank. I had one yellow tailed damsel, and one emerald crab. I wanted at least one more fish and another crab and maybe some snails. Last night I went to the LFS and purchased a emerald crab, a fire fish goby, and a turbo snail. This was going to be the occupants of my tank for the duration of the summer. At least tat was the plan.
So, when I arrived home with my creatures, I temp acclimated each one in their respective bags for about thirty minutes. I then dripped acclimated each in their respective bag enough to change the entire water out over a period of about one hour. Everyone was doing great. :bounce:
I added the emerald crab, who is a character! This things dances up and down the front of the glass, runs over and grabs a bite of algae, and dances some more:) He's a hoot. Hide last night and this morning, he came shooting out to greet me, algae in hand, like some mad scientist who just discovered algae..lol HE then ate it:mrgreen:
The turbo snail was added next. I gently placed him on the thickest algae invested rock. It was a 9 pound Fiji rock covered in the bright green stuff. This algae is actually really pretty by the way:) Anyways, I see why they call him a turbo snail! Within a 5 hour period, he cleared nearly all the thick algae off that rock! That things a monster!:mrgreen: He is doing great this morning. Munching on more algae it seems.
Now the fire fish. I added him and last and after about 2 hours of acclimation. He slowly swam to the nearest rock and hide. I never saw him again until this morning. He was :death:. I extracted him from the tank and noticed a gaping wound on his right side. I remember a very small bruised spot on the fish during temp acclimation, but it was very small. The same spot was now a large chunk removed. I wonder is maybe the damsel or crab ate some of him after he died, or worse, did the damsel KILL HIM? They didn't seem to care about each other when I was awake as the damsel just swam around. Maybe after dark they fought. I don't know. Maybe the fire fish was weak already from the small bruise. I don't know, but I know it's not the water cause all the other creatures, including my snail and two emerald crabs are crazy happy. I also performed a water check and everything read ZERO and pH is 8.0 to 8.1ish. :^:
I take it as a lesson. The fish store I purchased it from was not very clean and it looked like they had a bad infestation of some kind of slimy brown algae everywhere in every tank except their coral tanks where there was not fish living. I saw one or two dead fish on the bottom that had not been removed. The lesson is that I should have walked out! I am boycotting that LFS for the short term future anyways.
Another lesson learned! :bounce::bounce::bounce:
So, right now all creatures are happy. I love the turbo snail. I can watch him eat for hours and never get bored:) I find myself wanting to watch him instead of playing battlefield 3 or Halo, which is saying a lot...lol
So, in conclusion, please give me any correction, thoughts, or just comments on all this. They are welcomed, always:Cheers: