My First Aquarium and DIY Skimmer

Well, the REAL saltwater has been added to the tank and the FAKE stuff is in my yard..haha:)
I added some fish food like little_fish suggested and we'll see what happens. I did notice that the water is a little more murky than the other type of water. Maybe cause there is more than pure salt in it???:dunno: I'm sure it will settle down and when my skimmer is up and running, it will be even better.:x:
Well, I just had a wierd experience with the testing kit. With the new salt water, the Ammonia test turns the water a milky yellow color. Before, with the pure salt water, all the tests were always clear. This is the only one that is milky. Any thoughts?
I wonder how long I should wait to see if ammonia is going to build up again. This time I am not adding a shrimp, just fish food. If I seen no ammonia in the next couple days would it be safe to start a single fish and maybe a single CUC cridder?
Subscribe to this guys youtube channel. He is quite the DIYer.

[ame=]HOW TO: Build an Aquarium Stand/Canopy PART 1 - YouTube[/ame]

Follow that link. That will help you with your stand.
Sorry about your rough start! Sounds like you are on the right track now. Good luck! You will be amazed at how much you actually bond with your clownfish once you get another one :)

Amazingly, I was more upset about the fish dieing than I thought I would be only after a day! I felt like I chopped down a redwood tree or something! They are such beautiful creatures and created with perfection! I am glad that I learned the lesson though. Thanks for the note:)
So I am thinking of ordering a refractometer, but I need to wait alittle while before I have the money for ones that worth buying. In the mean time, I am using my hydrometer made by instant ocean. I have read the article on water chemistry that little_fish wrote and many others and it sound like they are completely unreliable. I am forced to use one for the time being. Each time I measure my tank, I rinse the device out like the instructions say and let dry. It's only about 2 months old so it should be fine for the next month, right?
I have had two IO hydrometers. I have used the first one since the beginning of my 50 gallon tank. I got the second one after reading Hannah's article, since mine was 8 month old or so. The second one was reading my salinity as about 5 points higher than the old hydrometer, so I thought "Oh CRAP! What have I been doing to my critters?!?" So I got a refractometer, just to double check, and because I needed one anyway. After calibrating it, I checked my water, and the refractometer agreed with my original, old hydrometer. So I chucked the new one, continue to use the old one for gross calibration, and use the refractometer for fine tuning the salinity and checking my actual tank water.
:x:So, I added a yellow tailed damsel and a emerald crab. Thy are both in the tank for 30 minutes and nothing is thrashing and gasping, so here's hoping!:x:

Anyways, the damsel went to the rock again is hiding. The crab starting like he was

I have a question...will the crab and further CUC eat this stuff? It seems to be growing alot fast since I added the real salt water?


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That looks like cyano, so I dont think so. You will have to beat that the old fashion way by controlling nutrients.

And you can get a perfectly fine refractometer on ebay for $25ish, and the calibration fluid is also very cheap at $3ish.
I noticed since my skimmer is not running right now, the surface of the water is building up stuff. I have got to get the skimmer back online. I will work on that next! The crab is now eating something off the rocks. He's ripping off green and black chunks. Maybe he will eat the stuff after all. We'll see. He seems very content and comfortable. The damsel is alittle chicken but he is coming out and grabbing little bits of food items blowing int he current. He's very blue so not scared any more. He had claimed a little cave in the rocks as his home I think. He's a fast fish:)
Check out the latest video of my pair: Meet Jonah and Mr. Crabs (so named by my son, Logan)

New Emerald Crab and Yellow Tailed Damsel - YouTube
Looks good! He is probably eating that stuff because there really isnt anything else for him to eat. I personally prefer to wait a bit to add any member of the CUC