monkiboy's tank thread

The flesh will be gone leaving only the skeleton behind. And I would probably keep hoping until I see its all gone. Some LPS are very resiliant and can come back as long as there are just a few cells left.
so liveaquaria is awesome!

i told them that i was worried i was given an indo instead of an aussie and they assured me, especially because it was diver's den, that what i ordered is what i received as described and that it was an aussie.

but i told the rep the problems i was experiencing and that it looked like the coral was going to die and she said she would extend my warranty for a week. if the elegance dies in that week, i would simply have to call and they would give me a full refund! if it doesn't die in a week or is the same or worse condition, she said she can extend for an additional week after that.

i thought this was great service and will definitely influence me to continue to buy from them again! hopefully they live up to their promise. i'll be sure to post accordingly.
That"s exactly how mine looked just prior to dying completely. I'm sorry. Perhaps the Aussie ones are getting overcollected now too. As of couple years ago, this was a condition observed only in deepwater collected Indonesian elegance. If it's starting to happen to Aussie as well, they are corals that just need to be left in the ocean, as they aren't going to survive in our tanks. Sad, really; they are gorgeous corals.
thanks for the comment samhain on your own experience.

i do have good news, though. ella - the elegance coral in question seems to be turning around.

i know this photo doesn't make it look like so, but things were only getting worse and worse, and two days ago after my last post, i just couldn't bear to see ella die without me trying something else.

i lowered my temperature down two degrees from 78 to 76 and 24 hours later very little change but today after 48 hours, she has opened up about an inch. she was completely closed two days ago just beginning to show a tiny bit of skeleton.

this is her today.


so at least ella's opened up again. now she still looks horrible but making the right steps forward. maybe it was just a temperature issue?

all the other corals are thriving, extended and super happy so it's definitely specific to her needs.

finger's crossed. i'd love to have her back!
Maybe an elegance in a nano/pico with a Catalina Goby? If the elegance likes the water a bit colder, that could be an idea..............hmmmmm......
i really hope it was, too. we will see. i kind of want it to make its mind up already so that i can either move on and get the refund, or start looking amazing like everything else in the tank, haha. i'll keep everyone updated.
Yea I know what you mean. Everything takes so much time in this hobby.
haha, yeah. if there is something that has been drilled in my head redundantly so, it's that this hobby is about patience. ahhh.

on another note, i sold some more chaeto to my LFS and they had a new shipment in a couple days ago.

i was jealous of someone's coco worm and had to get my own after mistaking a feather duster for one in my previous noob shopping experience and the LFS happen to have received a bunch of them.

here he is - don't have a name for him yet.



he's a handsome fella...


Good luck. Coco worms are very hard to keep, few people can keep them longer than a year. You would be better off with a feather duster.
thanks - hopefully i won't need it, though!
i have the feather duster already and i remember back then you telling me how hard they (coco worms) are to keep but it was free + store credit with the chaeto i sold (grows like madness i tell you!) and i always wanted one so i figure if it dies i have the experience of ownership under my belt and i can speak from that experience directly.

brittany - how long have you had your coco?
Congrats on the coco! I've had mine for about..I'd say at least six months. Maybe a little longer. A few weeks ago it randomly shed its crown and I was so worried it was dieing but it wasn't, it grew back a new crown, good as new! Yours looks great! Nice long tube! I don't think they are as hard as people say. I feed my tank rotifers and it seems like my coco worm really enjoys it. They add nice movement to the tank.
Congrats on the coco! I've had mine for about..I'd say at least six months. Maybe a little longer. A few weeks ago it randomly shed its crown and I was so worried it was dieing but it wasn't, it grew back a new crown, good as new! Yours looks great! Nice long tube! I don't think they are as hard as people say. I feed my tank rotifers and it seems like my coco worm really enjoys it. They add nice movement to the tank.
that's great news to hear and what i'm hoping for!

i feed all kinds of goodness and spot feed three times a week so i think i got a leg up on most folks.

also, today the other crown came out randomly, haha. it looks even COOLER! :shock:



and in more great news, the duncans continue to do great with their new location away from bob (the clown) who was harassing them trying to keep them as his nuzzling post.

in fact, today i noticed three new heads to the two new heads from last month that are now pretty big!


lastly, bob has taken to the bubble coral as his host, now. the bubble seems to handle it well but does retract a bit. bob is so annoying. why can't he go back to the days when he would host the veggie clip!?
They are so cool looking with their double crown. That's why I got a coco worm and not a feather duster. Your duncans look great! Mine are still just one lonley head lol I don't spot feed a lot tho. As for bob. He is annoying lol I'm glad mine haven't hosted anything else. I just wish they would host the Anemone. Not that they well fins it now that's its behind my Gsp. Sigh
Your tank is really nice! I love that coco worm :D
thanks a ton for checking it out and your comment!

in other news, the elegance bounces back from good days and opening a bit to bad and looking pretty gross and at this point it's evident she isn't going to make it.

i called liveaquaria, and in minutes i had my refund with no questions asked. what a great company!