MikeG's 10 Gallon Contest Tank


My addition to the contest. Hope I'm not too late.


Odyssea 4-bulb T5 Light Fixture
Aquaclear 50 (with rubble rock and carbon)
2 Hydor Koralia 425 Powerheads
Digital Thermometer

Originally started tank on 2-18-2012.
Restarted tank on 5-5-2012 due to nuking from dieing toadstool coral.


Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
PH 8.1
SG 1.026
Temp 79.5F

Current Stocking List

4 Astrea Snails
3 Bumble Bee Snails
(Fish or other inverts still to be decided)
Finger Leather
Colt Coral
Folded Brain
Open Brain


(FTS - Left Side - Right Side - Closer FTS)


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Looks great! I love that brain you have on the far right!

Thanks, he wasn't puffed up as much yesterday when I took the pic as he usually is. And my camera sucks it doesn't get the true color of my corals, they are much more vibrant than the pic shows.

I need a new camera, preferably a good video camera. :frustrat::frustrat::frustrat:
Weekly Update

Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
PH 8.0
SG 1.025
Temp 79.9

No new corals, maybe some this weekend, but added two Purple Firefish on Saturday 6-2-2012. They are enjoying their new home.

They seem to be getting along together fine, they dart into the same crack in the rock work when spooked and I haven't seen any aggression between the two of them. So hopefully this will keep up.
Weekly Update

Nothing new in the tank this week. Going to the LFS tomorrow so I hope to have a new coral or two for the tank on Saturday.

Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0 (I think a small bout of hair algae is keeping this down. Also getting a Turbo Snail or two from LFS tomorrow.)
PH 8.0
SG 1.025
Temp 79.7

Hope to have some new pic this weekend.
Weekly Upate with Pic's this time.

Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
PH 8.0
SG 1.026
Temp 79.6

Stock List
2 Purple Firefish
1 Turbo Snail (New since last post)
4 Astrea Snails
3 Bumble Bee Snails
Finger Leather
Green Finger Leather (New since last post)
Colt Coral
Folded Brain
Open Brain
Feather Duster* (New since last post)

*The Feather Duster was a freebee from my LFS (that I buy alot from) because his tube is starting to disinigrate. I don't have any experience with Feather Dusters so any help on what I might be able to do to help him rebuilt (for the lack of a better word) his tube is appreciated. You can somewhat see how it looks in the FTS, it is on the left side of the tank to the right of the Duncan and in front of the Finger Leather under the Firefish.

Full Tank Shot

Open Brain, Green Finger Leather, Folded Brain (Turbo Snail lower corner) and Zoanthids

One of the two Purple Firefish (other one was hiding, camera shy I guess)
Weekly Update

New addition to tank, a rather large one year old tiger striped CAT fish named Trigger who likes to torment my two firefish all day long.

Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
PH 8.1
S.G. 1.026
Temp 79.8

Stock List (No changes since last week)

2 Purple Firefish
4 Astrea Snails
3 Bumble Bee Snails
1Turbo Snail
Finger Leather
Green Finger Leather
Colt Coral
Folded Brain
Open Brain
Feather Duster
Ha! I've got one of those cat fish too who likes to torment the fish :) And I think I have the exact same fan as you to cool down my fishies!
The fan is from Walmart and it works great. I've got two of them going on my 60 and they brought the temp down real well. Great investment for only $6.99.

Funny I have 7 (yes SEVEN) cats and Mister Trigger is the only one that shows any interest in my tanks. And he's only interested in the 10 gallon, mostly because he can lay on the counter and wait for the firefish to come out so he can pounce. I hope this will pass as he gets a little bit older.
Funny I have 7 (yes SEVEN) cats and Mister Trigger is the only one that shows any interest in my tanks. And he's only interested in the 10 gallon, mostly because he can lay on the counter and wait for the firefish to come out so he can pounce. I hope this will pass as he gets a little bit older.

Ha! Finally someone that beats my cat craziness! Up until about a year ago, I had eight, but when my ex and I split up, he took two of them. So now I have six. CATS ARE AWESOME! CATS RULE! But only one of mine was ever interested in the fish tanks (Mr. Waffles). He would leap up and attack the glass. And he loved it when I moved a little table in front of the tank and he could sit up there and bat at the glass all day long. :)
Weekly Update

Added a Favites today. It's in the center of the tank up on the rock.

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 5
P.H. 8.0
S.G. 1.025
Temp 79.6

Stock List

2 Purple Firefish
4 Astrea Snails
3 Bumble Bee Snails
1 Turbo Snail
Finger Leather
Colt Coral
Folded Brain
Open Brain
Favites (New)
Feather Duster

Weekly Update

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 5
P.H. 8.1S.G. 1.026
Temp 79.9

Stock List

2 Purple Firefish
4 Astrea Snails
3 Bumble Bee Snails
1 Turbo Snail
Colt Coral
Folded Brain
Open Brain

Full Tank Shot

Green Folded Brain