Matt's 20 gallon long

Thanks all, Im pretty happy with everything right now. Manny eats like nobodies buisness, so i got really lucky with him. Can the greens and the green spotted live happily togeather? I know they are both very calm, passive but im not sure if they would show aggression with the same type or something? I cant even imagine a madarin showing agression at all the are so calm and relaxed. They are like the stoners of the ocean.
You are awesome erin! That's just what I've been searching for. Guess they might get along but since they aren't the same species of mandarin they wouldn't pair up.
Thanks tuna:)
Go some more stuff for my tank on sat. Just some more shrooms, zoas and an Aussie deep ridge is what they called it. Along with like 6 tiger nass snails and 5 turbos.

Rock with about 7 shrooms on it

Top view of the rock, i didnt notice at the store but the top end looks to be covered in some zoas just starting up.

Aussie deep Ridge

New zoas
Thanks everyone :) Aside from a little green hair algae im very happy with my tank so far. Im running out of room...and we all know what that means.
Looks great! I just have two suggestions. A background and the water level. I personally prefer to have a black background bc it makes all the corals pop out more. If the water level is lower bc of the filter on the back I have a tip for that. Just stick a peice of Styrofoam under where it hangs on the back just enough to raise the water level up to the top of the tank. I love that Aussie deep ridge by the way. Oh and bumlebee is doing awesome!
I actually really have been considering a background Brittany, not sure how i want to go about it though. Also the water level was low, but i topped it off :P I usually go to the bottom of the trim. That filter on the back actually isnt even on anymore lol. Im not sure why i still have it on there. Its just from evaporation. I have a ceiling fan above my tank and when i leave the lid off it evaps rather quickly. Thank you for your suggestions :) Glad to hear Bumblebee is doing good! I seen These tiny green mandarins at the fish store i went too, they were like 1/2 inch big, made me think of Oliver. :)
I know some people paint the back of their tanks but I don't like the idea of that so I just use black posterboard and double sided tape. Works like a charm and is cheap! Oliver is getting big! He is so fat! Lol he is so cute floating around the tank now that he feels settled in. How is your mandarin doing? Are your clowns still hosting the torch?
Posterboard is a good idea, im trying to find like a stickable, vinyl or plastic that you peel one side off and stick it on , like a screen protector for a phone or tablet. Black preferably. Ill keep looking. Manny the mandarin is doing great! ty for asking :) He is getting bigger as well. Well, wider, lol not quite oliver chubby yet but he has put on some weight for sure. Eats anything i throw at him. I really lucked out with that little guy. Yes my clowns are still hosting my torch, i feel lucky to had that happen, the torch looks great and so do the clowns, although i have no idea which is the male or female. They are both very close to the same size. Niether are aggressive though. My issue now is green hair algae, not much of an issue but id like to nip it in the butt before it gets out of hand. I bought 5 turbo snails yesterday hoping they might help. We will see. Thanks for asking Brittany. :) Also im very tempted to switch to black sand. (Look what you started) i wonder if there is a way to siphon out the old and slowley add the new. May be more of a headache then its worth though.
Idk if they make the vinyl stuff in black. That stuff is a pain in the butt to get on also with no air bubbles. Those turbos should eat it right up. If its long just trim it down so they can actually eat it. I love the black sand! You could just add the black with the white. That looks awesome too. Just have more black than white sand. That's what I did for my 29g bc they didn't have the black so I bought white and hated it so I got black and put it on top. Right now I'm dealing with a skinny clown goby and I possibly bought a carnation coral without meaning to today. I guess they are super hard to take care of.
Maybe ill go your route with the posterboard, give it a try. So what just kind of pour the black sand down a tube so it slowley spreads over the white? Seems like the best way to prevent a sandstorm. Youe clown wont eat anything? Have you tried brine? Or garlic soaked anything? As for the Carnation, i think you can do it i have faith, just feed it as much as possible since they lack symbiotic algae zooxanthellae. It sounds like a pain in the butt though. I wish you luck Brittany. let me know how it goes :)