Marinne's Reef

Did you drip any of the water in it? Because contamination occurs very easily when moving stuff from one tank to the next. And, leaving the tank fishless for 8 weeks doesn't mean velvet won't come back. People have had it reoccur anywhere from weeks, to years later. It's a pretty horrible disease. They make a two part solution for it, that is reef safe, and has had some success stories accredited to it. I forget the name of it, but looking online should help you find it. I had it in my 55. The only way I got it to start coming back was to take down the tank, and clean it with bleach, acid bath for the rocks, and all new sand/water. It succcccks :(
I don't know if it was velvet...the clowns had big white blotchy looking things on them but no other fish did

no ich spots, powder sugar looking things and the clowns were like that for more than 5 days, I though velvet killed really fast? maybe brook?
I can't...they did die while I was out of looked nothing like ich, it was like they had white camo patterns on them (only the clowns showed these markings)

the angel and blenny showed no physical signs of anything
whew, I have been busy...took my 65G down when the fish died, drilled it and now have it set back up

I also bought a 40 breeder that I drilled which replaced the cube
lol...I have an opportunity to buy a 180, it's an older all glass aquarium but a little scratched think 300 is a good price to get it at?
Tank and stand? 300 isn't bad at all. And if the scratches aren't too serious, it would be a awesome improvement. Drilled?

Edit: If you do decide to go for it, make sure you leak test it. That's a lot of water to have spilling out :p
Yes tank and isnt drilled but I will drill it

I have enough equipment between my 65 amd 40 to do it...only thing I need is a sump and return pump/plumbing if course
Check out for the return pump. They have some pretty beefy ones that aren't too expensive. They also have replacement parts readily available in case anything ever goes wrong.

Also another thing to consider, are you guys going to end up moving anytime in the near future? A 180 gallon tank is a much bigger deal to move around then a 65 and a 40.

Shoot. Who am I kidding? I'd do it regardless :p
Marinne, there is a WICKED strain of oodinium out there, seems to only affect clowns. I lost 2 Orange skunk clowns to it, learned the hard way to avoid transhippers that just don't give a damn the hard way.

That 180 sounds like a good deal and if it's an older tank, might not be tempered glass.
any advice on a skimmer for a 180G? right now I will be using a Reef Octopus NWB110 that I had on my 65G but I know I need a big one for it

my plan is to have 4 tangs: Kole, Yellow, Hippo and maybe a powder blue
I'm gonna be the voice of dissent here, people skim their tanks WAY too heavily unless they're keeping SPS. If you don't have those there's no need to go nuts with a skimmer. I've reverted to all air driven Sanders skimmers and the tanks looks wonderful and everything's doing just fine.
I agree with Rob. I don't keep SPS in my DT so I have a severely under-sized skimmer in my sump. My LPS and Softies have done great this way since I set the tank up :)