Marinne's 65G LPS tank

from what I have read, they are impossible...I don't have a way of raising my PH either so that's out of the question
I don't have a huge outbreak, actually most of my stringy brown algae has no bubbles in it...hermit crabs and snails seem to be eating it so I am lot as to what it is, there is only maybe 4 strings of it, mostly on one of my zoa colonies and GSP

here are some pics, stuff on the sandbed is not covered in bubbles but does create a sheet like thing


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May be a bit of dinos, could be diatoms? Either way I would just keep up the outstanding care and water changes and you ought to be okay.....Deep breath....seriously.

If it's being eaten then it's just a matter for the CUC....

Remember, nothing good happens fast in this don't need to over react....
What is the current pH of your tank?

You could try limewater/kalkwasser dosing. If done slowly (over several days), you can raise the pH along with maintaining Ca/Alk.
Slow/consistent dosing with this method also provides a more regulated pH compared to just adding pH additives intermittently.
PH is 7.8...can't ever get it higher than that...I thought about using kalk but kind of scared to as my ATO is not timed

I could get a dosing pump I suppose as I would love to have a stable calcium, alk and PH levels

the algae in question does not contain bubbles and looks like spider webs
I think I am screwed...knowing my luck this past year, did a WC like most suggested and they got worse it seems

I literally blow them off every 5 minutes and they keep coming back no matter what
Do you have silicates? They will go right through a RO/DI and as long as they are present you will have diatoms and all sorts of other problems. Are you running GFO? Either that or the white ceramic looking Phosphate remover, either will pull Silicates too. It doesn't sound like dinos because they are more distinct stringy snottyness from all that I have seen.
don't know if I do...don't have a test kit and yes I am running a GFO reactor from BRS, the thing is they get worse as the light gets stronger

they are stringy but don't seem snotty and thick but thin and stringy...some do have bubbles at the base
ok here is an updated picture, look at the zoa rock and notice the piece that has no zoas(the pointy rock piece) look to the left a little and you can faintly see a brown string (this is what I am dealing with)

it is only growing on certain coral and rocks, it is not on the sand bed and I do not have any bubbles in the sand bed at all no mater how high the lights get...sometimes the strings have bubbles but only at the base it seems

I did add a piece of LR last weekend and that has seemed to start it and also, when I put my frags in the tank they instantly gravitated towards them and have started growing on them it seems...does this sound weird??

I also included a FTS to show how little algae I 10G nano had this same type of algae and ever since I put a bag of phosguard in my filter it has diminished ALOT so maybe my GFO sucks in the 30G???


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I have had the moonlights on for 5 hours and they are still there?? So maybe not dDino's, IDK this is frustrating
If you can get a good picture and send it to John at ReefCleaners he can usually identify the problem and let you know what works on it.
I blacked out for 48 hours and there is no sign of it...talked to my LFS and he said that he had something like that before and no one knew what it was, it eventually went away he said when he added his MP40

thinking of getting an MP 10 but I already have 900GPH flow and softies don't like a whole lot...I don't have any hard coral, all softies
Some updated coral pics and FTS...think that stringy brown crap is gone


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