Making A Move

MAN I"M SO FRUSTRATED !!!!!!:grumble::grumble::frustrat:
I have the tank filled !! YAY right ??? WRONG!!! I cant figure out why the overflow will not empty into both sections of the sump. I think I might have did something wrong with the plumbing to the sump. I have some pics in this thread. If anyone can look at them and maybe see what I am doing wrong !!!!!! PLEASE !!!!!:frustrat::frustrat:
Why not just pick up another valve.Then all you gotta do is cut the 45 out on the side coming straight down,and add the valve?
Then you can control how much water goes to which side.
I was thining that I would almost have to turn that side off in order to devert the water to the fuge. I think I might just cut under the overflow and just re-plumb it with the T. I still have enough PCV and 45's to do it !! LEARN MORE AS I GO.
At least the fish are ok in the tank now !! FOR NOW keeping figers crossed. So far I lost pods of course but I lost a emerald crab too.
Can you say "FINALLY"!!!!
Everything seem to be working now!!!!!:^::bounce::^::bounce:!!!!
I just have to find a way to stop all the Tiny Bubbles in the sump!!!

Thanks you guys and girls for all the help in this very very stressfull move !!!!
so I got most of the micro-bubbles gone. Now Ihave to work on getting the temp down a tad. I might have to go back to using the fan. This time at the sump. My temp usually is around 78-80 with the light on and 77- 79 with the light off. The temp now is 81-82 with the light on or off.
i went out and bought a pcv cutter. That made it quick and easy. I cut right above the Y and re-did everthing below the Y. I added a t and a valve again on the fuge side.Now everything seems ok. I don't have a crazy amount of flow in the fuge and the skimmer section is ok too.




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well..... The Guinness was great !!!! The tank cleared up nicely. It was cloudy for a day but seems ok now. The temp is higher then it was at the old house but I am blaming that on the sump. With the return pump and the skimmer pump, the heaters dont even come on. The temp stays right arouns 81 degrees now, night or day. This worries me a little for the summer but the ac will most likely be on.
ON a bad note.. I am unemployed for the fisrt time in over 17 years. The dealership that I have been working at for the passes 15 years will shut the doors down at the end of the month. This sucks BAD!!!!!!!