Making A Move

Thanks Alexander.... I might do it that way.. I'm not sure. I think that I over think things and will just take everything slow.
I'm setting a sump up this time around and I have to get that all plumbed up also. I still have questions about that too. GRRRRRR !!!!!.
I guess I would fill the tank up with all the water,sand and LR. Add enough water to the sump so the pump is covered. Start the over flow and the pump then add whatever water is need to have the level correct. IS THIS RIGHT ????????
Pretty much.
Just try to estimate how much water the plumbing will hold and add half that over your full level.
I'm not sure where my fill level will be yet ??? Not sure how????
I am moving the fish into the 10 gallon holding tank today so that I can break down the tank. One day with out the skimmer on the main tank should'nt be a problem right???

wish me luck!!! I will post some pic's of the plumbing soon and Of the new "re-bulid"
good luck ray! its really nerve racking but i have always found that once it is all over you sit back with a brewski and say - "Well that wasnt near as bad as i had expected"
NERVE RACKING !!!!! Well I moved 10 gallons of the main tank water, the skimmer, a heater, one 15w antinic lamp and a powerhead to a 10 gallon holding tank !! step one finished. I am now just making sure the water temp get up to 78 degrees.
Next step... move the live rock and some more water to containers so I can catch my 5 fish. !! This step is going to stres the hell out of me and the fish !!! LOL.
I have most of the plumbing finished cant finalize it until I get the main tank in the final location. Anything I am forgetting about yet !!!!! ???????

OH YEAH ALEXANDER, I have the guinness cold and waiting !!!
OK Step 2 finished. The fish are safe in the holding tank. They dont seem to stressed but I am sure they are.
The Live Rock is in a container with 2 powerheads and water. Next I will go back and get the mushroom coral rock and set that in the holding tank.
I am going to leave the sand and some water in the bottom of the main tank and hopefully move that at one time. That way I can finish the plumbing. I also have to move the metal halide and hang that from the ceiling. Man so much more to do !!!!
You'll pull it off without a hitch Ray.
The way to get the water line.Fill the tank untill the water level in the sump is where you want it.Start the skimmer up since its going to pull some water.Then start the return pump and top off.Remember to leave enough room in the sump to hold the back flow when the pumps turned off.
Guiness is a fine choice ray! I wore my guiness dress socks to work today. Its my usual choice for mondays because mondays at work are my fridays!
some pics of the move

the holding tank

the new stand, there will be door on the front and one on the side to access the sump for maintenance

the plumbing, the right is the return, the left is the overflow to the sump
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Another question Alex ??? Will the 10 gallons in the holding tank and the water I have circulating the Live Rock be enough to put back in the main tank to not have a NEW CYCLE ???? I will be adding Natural PURE saltwater in the 4.4 gallon containers so I don't have to mix new water. I found this a little more pricey but I haven't had any problems with salinity changes.
you should be a-ok thats roughly 75% of your water. thats all i have gotten back in the tank. Just think of it as its being like a water change while you move it. Bonus right? :mrgreen:
OK !!! The tank is at the new place. The sand has a small amount of water covering it so it will not dry out. The LR is here to still circulating and still heated.
I still have to hand the MH lighting and set up the power strips and ballast and set the final plumbing up.
Now a couple more questions.
1. Can I leave the glass in the main tank the way it is and just clean it when I have it set up??
2. should I place all the LR in the tank then add the water??
ok thats a couple for now. I'm sure there will be more !!!
#1-You can.The water will wash and sand grains off the glass.
#2-I'd filler at least half way full before putting the rock back in.That whats in there wont dry out as much while your aquascaping.
here are some more photos of the stressfull experience!!!!

holding tank with some LR

container holding LR circulating and heated

back of the tank plumbing

the overflow and returns

Looks like I have everything set so I will make my final glueing on the overflow and finish the return plumbing. Then move it out to hang the lighting. Move it back and start to fill it up.
Thanks to everyone for all the help here !!! I think my wife is ready to kill me I have been stressing so much !!! LOL
It's almost over !!!!