Making A Move

I think I'd rather move clean across the country than to move my tank across the house.Plus I tend to get a little ill natured when I'm doing stuff like that,which just raises the stress levels.
Looks like you got er under control though.
I think I'd rather move clean across the country than to move my tank across the house.Plus I tend to get a little ill natured when I'm doing stuff like that,which just raises the stress levels.
Looks like you got er under control though.

I started laughing when I read this. I red it to flojo, her and I both laughed and agreed it sounds about exactly like me. Hell I tried catching my sohal tonight (getting rid of him) it was the most unsuccessful venture in the world and the negetive vibes could be felt coming off of me from miles away I'm sure.
so i take it your dreading the move of your 75 to the 125

Exactly.I got to move the 75 out before I can set the 125 in place.Which means the wife and kids will probably be spending that weekend at her sisters(which aint a bad thing most of the time)
well......... PLUMBING is finished!!!!!! I water tested everything and NO leaks !!!
I went to my LFS and bought Live sand for the fuge, (10lbs) and 1 4.4 gallon container of the Natural Saltwater. I need 2 more but they were out and will be getting more in tomorrow.
Now, I have to get the light hung (pain in the ass) and set the tank and stand in its final resting spot. MORE PICS TO FOLLOW !!! I feel some of the stress leaving my body as I type this !!!
NOPE ! All set up yes ! Ready to fill yes as soon as I get my damn water from the LFS. YES I KNOW I SHOULD USE THE MIX BUT I FIND IT EASIER TO USE THE NATURAL SALTWATER. They only had one left and will have more tomorrow. This day never stopped, but the tank is set and waiting to be filled. here are some pics !!

front view minus the doors. (my bro is making them as we speak)

overflow and return set

shelf for ballest for the DEMH 150w 14k
If there was anything I would have done way differently, it would have been to be 100% ready when you moved. Having the water ready when you moved would have made thing go smoothly and it would all be up and running by now. I always make more water than i think I will need.
reef. I was looking at that also, but I think that I can actually fill it up passed the last baffle. Also I will still have enough room left for when the pump is off to fill back into the sump. I'm also looking into making an A.T.O that will sit behind the stand.

I agree Alex, I should have put alittle more time thinking about the move. My head is a mess becuase we had to move so fasr from where my family was living. I was using instant salt when I first started in the hobby , but then found the Natural Saltwater in the 4.4 gallon jugs which was little easier for me being that my tank was SMALL. NOw I am regreting not having the mix because I would have been done. The one thing rightnow is at least my fish are not stressed. I have them in the 10 gallon tank with some LR with the skimmer and a powerhead running. The only thing right now bugging me is the main tank just sitting there with a little water over the sand.
Yeah I think in a situation like I had suggested your sandbed would have been fine. To be honest with you though at this point I would probably pull all of your sand and put new sand in at this point. You probably have a lot of dieoff.
TOO LATE ALEX !!! The tank is almost filled !! I have been so DRAINED this last week that I didnt account for the sump and plumbing so ...... BACK TO THE LFS tomorrow for more water. Also I was thinking about the dieoff from the sand so I am leaving the fish and coral in the holding tank with some nice pieces of LR and when I fill the tank totally up and get the overflow and return pump running along with the skimmer and heater I will moniter the water and make sure I dont get a MAJOR CYCLE. But if I do at least my fish and coral will be safe. Most of the LIVE ROCK is in the tank now along with the powerheads and heater.
So far all my water that I tested had no amonia or nitirite. But I can imagine the nitrates are out the roof. The PH is just a tad low BUt I can raise that with water changes.