ltkenbo's 75 Gallon Reef Tank

I watched all the video lol :D, your clowns are very active the black clowns that I have just stay at the right corner of the aquarium thanks to my royal dottyback, he's very territorial. Your tank is doing great, the coralline algae is growing like crazy and that's good. I like the corals, I have a 3 headed candy cane and a GSP that has double its size since I bought it, they grow like crazy.

I feed my fish Formula One and sometimes Rod's food, they love F1 and so far it's my favorite food for them too. They don't like mysis shrimp, the only ones that eat mysis are my brittle star and the duncan coral.

I'm sorry about your royal gramma, but I agree with you that he must be dead, he didn't show up when you fed the clowns. Good luck with you next fish. :thumbsup:
Sometimes I don't see fish for a long time after I add them. I have a Bluespot Watchman in my 55 and I see him maybe once every couple of weeks.

Other then that, everything looks great. A piece of advice on the GSP though. Shut off your power heads, pumps, etc. for a few minutes. Drain a bit of the water out of the tank. Then, take a little super glue, and glue the frag to your glass on the back or side. It's much easier to manage where it grows like that, and doesn't look bad. If it forms a mat over rocks, you have to rip it apart. On the glass, you can just use a razor and cut sections off as you see fit.

Keep up the good work though :)
Thanks guys for the comments and for watching my video! Well he got really freaked out before he went into hiding when I did a water change, when I first got him he was very active and didn't hide very much. The bloom I had also occurred a couple days after he disappeared so who knows, I'll keep my eye out though.

Do you have any pics of the GSP on glass? You think it would spread from that isolated rock? That's one reason I put it on it's own rock.
it grows fast, I have had my GSP colony for a month and it keeps sprouting up new mat every day...when I moved into my 75G I had to cut it because it had grown onto an adjacent rock
Hey guys, got some updates and pics. I'll start with the new arrivals first:

I got a diamond watchman goby, this guy is awesome. I had a blue spotted one in my old 55, and this guy is even better cause he's such a sand sifter. It's great to watch him dig holes for himself :D.


then the other day when I was returning a filter sock holder I got at my LFS that didn't work well, I was they had some new zoas in. So I got a tiny frag to go with my green ones:



When I first got the Goby over a week ago, he went like crazy digging into the sand, I'm sure he was having a lot of fun since my tank has a ton of sand compared to the LFS tank haha. So I started running a filter sock to filter out the fine particles he was stirring up, because it was starting to look like there was a blizzard going on:


I got a sock holder, but it didn't work well for my setup so I returned it. Right now I just have it balanced a little above the water line, maybe I'll doing something custom eventually.

Finally, since gobies can be jumpers, and I plan to get a midas blenny soon, I bought some of that 1/4" square netting at my LFS and made a screen. I did a two section thing for each side so I could feed the fish easily, it blocks a little more light, but not that much. I should have bought the bigger screen kit at Ace because I ran out at the end, and that's why I used white pieces on one of the sections :facepalm:




That little piece you see hanging off, is extra pieces of the screen frame that I glued on to support the far edge. I have this big middle brace in my tank, so I used less screen, but needed a way to support the other sides. Turned out pretty good.

Comments are appreciated! Let me know what you think!
Read your whole thread and watched your videos. It's really come along way. You've done a great job! Can't wait to see more of the progress. :)

Thanks man! Yes I'm very pleased with my tank so far, everything seems very healthy and happy :) I've got another fish and two more corals now so I'll post an update soon.
Hey guys! So I got a couple of updates. On black Friday my sister got me a Midas Blenny and two new coral frags! The Blenny is awesome and so are the corals! I also think I've decided on the new bulbs I'm going to get for my T5 fixture and they are as follows:

All ATI bulbs:
x3 Blue Plus
x2 Coral Plus
x1 Purple Plus

The fish store is out of a bunch because of black friday sales but they put some more on order so they should be in next week. I also finally got a new point and shoot camera (my old one was broken and I was using my phone before), it's a Samsung WB250, it's a pretty sweet camera, I'm still learning it but a lot of these photos turned out pretty well:

The first two are my new frags, a war favia coral and a duncan :):







Then you can see the new midas blenny in these pics:



Well, time for a well needed update. Since my last post I got a couple some more livestock, for free! My cousin worked with this guy who is shutting down his tank to start a larger predator type saltwater tank so he wanted to get rid of some of his livestock. I got the following for 0$:

Male & Female Lyretail Anthias:



Pajama Cardinalfish:


Frogspawn colony:


Bubble Tip Anemone:


Then today at my LFS, they had a birthday party for the business (6th year in business) & so they had food and a raffle. It's a saltwater only store. Livestock was all 20% off and the prizes for the raffle included several tanks (75 and down), a reef controller, & store credit. I did win but since my number was called last I only got $10 store credit, but I used it along with the discount to get a clam for $25. I forget what type it is so if someone could tell me that would be helpful, he's about 2 inches long and seems to be doing great so far:



I've also posted an update to my reef tank videos on youtube if anyone is interested:
