
you need a return pump to get the water form the sump back up to the tank

Ok, so what exactly is the sump (is it where the bubbles or water collect)?

Can you recommend me a return pump, especially if you can find it on this store: .

Rock and Sand - 60
Fish : 70 (2 Clowns, 5 Hermits, 1 Star Fish)
Protein Skimmer - 30
salt mix - 15
hydrometer - 15
heater - 25
Return Pump

So I have that for everything I need (except my tank and light). So with a return pump that's a full starter kit, or am I missing anything important?
a sump is an external "tank" that usually goes under the tank where the water drains from the main tank into, goes through filtration, through the skimmer, and back into the tank. This is where you can put a refugium (a place where copepods(sp) can be without harm of fish, then they get shot back up to the tank for food for fish, it also can help with nitrates through some sort of alge like chaeto.)

And for a return pump. internal= mag drive.
oh and you wont be getting fish for a while, the cycle has to do its thing before you can add fish. Also if you hear about adding a damsel to see if the cycle is over I do not recommend this at all because damsels can get very aggressive and with a small tank they are territorial and will get very aggressive when other fish come close.

If you want to do a sump then you will have to have a return pump. I recommend a sump.
in your case, a return pump is not needed since you are not going to be running a sump. But, you will need a power head to keep the water moving. A maxi jet 900 is a good one.
Ok, I may add a sump later but I think that's too much money for me right now (I'm on a very tight budget, unless I sell some other items I have laying around the house).

I'm going to get the tank tonight, so I'm probably going to be buying the live rock, sand, skimmer and salt mix online after I get the tank.

Also just wondering do all animals have to wait for the cycle to be over, or could I add a crab or star fish in or anything?
Oh and I don't have a quarantine tank when I'm trying to acclimitize the fish, can't I just use another bucket and connect a hose and valve to them and control the flow rate that way?

I'm guessing both buckets would need to be salt water of the same temp and ph of the tank, or do I actually just use tank water for this?
first off dont add ANYTHING to the tank during a cycle, especially inverts but cause they will die almost instantly. they are more sensitive to nitrates then fish and plus the ammonia will still kill them, second when acclimating your fish you can just leave them in the bag and let that bag float in the aquarium for 15 minutes then open it up and dump a cup of tank water into the bag every 5 minutes, once the bag is full dump half of the water out into a bucket (not into your tank) and then repeat the process. once the bag is full again dump all of that water into the same bucket and net the fish into your tank
first off dont add ANYTHING to the tank during a cycle, especially inverts but cause they will die almost instantly. they are more sensitive to nitrates then fish and plus the ammonia will still kill them, second when acclimating your fish you can just leave them in the bag and let that bag float in the aquarium for 15 minutes then open it up and dump a cup of tank water into the bag every 5 minutes, once the bag is full dump half of the water out into a bucket (not into your tank) and then repeat the process. once the bag is full again dump all of that water into the same bucket and net the fish into your tank

Oh, more simple than I thought. I jus tread the acclimation guide.

I won't be adding anything till it's done cycling now, I was just makin sure.
Oh, I just found out that my insurance wasn't going down like expected... so it seems like this operation is going to be suspended for a bit.

I still might get that tank and just add some rock and sand and let it cycle so everythings ready.

Do I need to have a skimmer if I just have live rock?
no skimmer if it is just rock. and i would skip on that link. seems like someone is just trying to make a quick buck and you dont know the condition of anything or what they might treat their fish and such with
no skimmer if it is just rock. and i would skip on that link. seems like someone is just trying to make a quick buck and you dont know the condition of anything or what they might treat their fish and such with

Well actually if you look at the article they claim this is their set up:

And it looks really good to me. I'm going to get a cheap tank/ light, some live rock and some sand for under 100 so when it's around christmas time I get my co op (making 25 dollars an hour :sfish:) and will have plenty of money to get good accesories.

Oh also do I need a skimmer if I put some invertebraes in?