Hiker's 75g Upgrade

Thanks Brian. That rack still has about 33 frags on it. I'm letting them grow out a bit more before I glue them in place. I have no place for that big acro colony so I'm leaving it there for now. I'm adding some more rock and will have a place for it soon.
:whoopee!:I finally just picked up the Purple Hornets and Palmer's Blue Mille. I was suupposed to trade a guy a few weeks ago, but he got sick and couldn't meet up. Well, today was finally the day. Unfortunately, I'm at work and the frags are on my desk in a cooler with a heat pack. Can't wait to get home. Pics to come.
Nice looking new stuff there Dave. God I wish I could keep my Stylophora alive. I've had 4 different ones and they all bleach out and die off.

Thanks Wade. That Purple Stylo Milka started off only a little purple on the tips. It was cut from an under branch that didn't get much light so it had a lot of brown on it. It's now turned mostly purple and started to encrust so I'm happy with it. Hope you have some better luck should you try it out for a 5th time.
[quotein a cooler with a heat pack][/quote]
is this kind of like a Jumbo shrimp.?
Just sounded funny to me that it is in a "cool"er with heat
Everything is looking good time to place some and gives of the FTS
[quotein a cooler with a heat pack]
is this kind of like a Jumbo shrimp.?
Just sounded funny to me that it is in a "cool"er with heat
Everything is looking good time to place some and gives of the FTS[/QUOTE]

I guess it is almost an oxymoron. Doesn't sound right to put heat in a cooler, but the frags liked it I'm sure. Some of those frags definitely need to be placed, but some need to get growing a bit first. Also, some of them on that frag rack are for an upcoming frag swap and are sold.
I was wondering what is the benifit of a frag rack? I put mine on the sand for a few weeks then started moving them to where I would like them. I don't have anything to hard yet because I am just getting started with corals. Mostly mushrooms and zoas. What do you use to "stick" the frags once you place them where you want them?
For me, the frag rack gives me room for more frags. My sandbed is currently full of frags so the SPS usually go on the rack.
I just use super glue gel to stick my frag plugs.
I just use super glue gel to stick my frag plugs.
I should have ask this in the first post but do you have a brand name or better yet a pic of the tube or box the glue comes in? I when to the LFS and the glue they have is $20 seems way too much.
Just regular superglue gel from any hardware or grocery store will do. The Loctite brand works well, as does the kind you get at the dollar store that comes 5 tubes in a pack.
I was wondering what is the benifit of a frag rack? I put mine on the sand for a few weeks then started moving them to where I would like them. I don't have anything to hard yet because I am just getting started with corals. Mostly mushrooms and zoas. What do you use to "stick" the frags once you place them where you want them?

I use a combo of reef expoy and super glue gel. The reef epoxy I use is called Aquastik and the super glue gel is from Harbor Freight and comes in a 3 pack for .99 cents. You don't have to go crazy with special glue. As long as it says super glue gel you're fine and can get it at the dollar store, home depot, lowes, etc.

I use the frag rack for new frags to get adjusted in my system without getting knocked around by the snails and crabs. It give them time to grow and encrust the frag plus or rubble. It also holds fresh cut frags that I sell and lets the grow out. So for my particular situation it's a great benefit for me to have a frag rack. Some people have no use for them.
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Here's a few quick picks of the Palmer's Blue Mille and Purple Hornets. The pics were taken about 5 minutes after I acclimated them. The polyps are already coming out on the mille and the hornets have started to open.

Palmers - Center front



Purple Hornets - Back center on the white frag disc

All I can say is WOW! All your pieces look great. I wish I could keep sps's.

Thanks Smitty. I'm not sure why, but whatever I'm doing seems to be working. Actually, I know why...it's because of all the help I get from everyone on this forum. I've learned so much in a short period of time from this site and met quite a few nice people along the way. Keep at it and you'll be able to keep SPS. It's been all trial and error.
Got a Christmas Favia, Red People Eater Palys and a Targer Mandarin. I couldn't get pics of the RPE's because they didn't open before the lights went out. The mandarin was eating frozen mysis good in the store and then ate cyclops and mysis in my tank.


