help me stock my soon to be 10 gallon nano reef

You need to remember that the invertebrate will need space too and will produce waste as well so you don't want to overload your tank which can be easily done. Yeah the tiny Nassarius Snais may be small but you don't know how big their appetite is until they are in your tank, so it's best to start off with like 2 or 3 and see how those keep up with the algae.

When you add live sand typically your tank doesn't cycle. If you want something cheaper than live sand aragonite sand or oolite sand.
You can then get a cup a live sand from an established reef tank or from your LFS or your buy a live sand "seed" mix and do it that way. You will save money.

Cycling your tank is when you add live rock to your tank. Live rock is basically remains of old reefs that contain a diverse amount of organisms on them. You can always buy half live and half "dead"rock"and allow it to become seeded by the live rock. Live rock will contain lots of living and dead things. When you receive live rock it goes through a dieback process. Typically if your tank is brand new with nothing in it but live sand people will use live rock as a way of cycling their tank, by putting the rock in their and keeping the lights off during the cycling process. You will need to use a soft brush to scrub the rocks to remove dead debris from the rock almost daily. You also need to do water changes constantly because everything will basically spike. Once parameters have become stable some people will again do another 10%-20% water change and test again to make sure amnonia and nitrites are 0 and that nitrates are close to zero or better yet at 0.

It's totally worth it once you get through the initial process and setup. I'm personally trying my hardest to avoid a nano tank because I want a bigger tank, but I may get a nano tank to tide me over until I'm able to get my big tank.
ya im with you on that one, id love something bigger than a nano but iv got college and other things and i just cant afford a nice big SW tank right now.

ok, i plan on putting live sand and live rock in there to begin with. do i understand that right?.. im supposed to leave the lights off the entire time until i start adding the cleanup crew? and i assume the lights are on for the algae to keep the snails and crabs alive. correct?

i dont understand the scrubbing part. no one's ever told me anything like that. so i know whats going on, can you explain that to me again?
Mexican turbo snails are BIG and they eat a lot. You will not be able to keep one in a small tank like that, let alone five. For comparison, I have 4 Mexican turbos in my 240.

Get a few astraea snails instead, and a few nassarius snails. Then you should be all set.

You can leave the lights on or off during the cycle. You will get algae anyways, so it doesn't really matter.
thats a really helpful article. thanks. ok guys i think iv got all the info i need now i just need to finish saving up. got any other bits of information that yall think i ought to know? and thanks again for all yalls help.
Just have lots of patience. The articles on this website is very good. I am still patiently waiting to get a reef tank and it will be many years before it happens but I am learning a lot in the process. I want a big, big reef tank so I have to wait about 6-10 years before it's completed. *le sigh* I'll probably have nano tanks by then.
thanks Brat, i guess we will both keep saving and learning what we can in the mean time. thats great that ppl on here understand the time this takes to do this correctly instead of getting annoyed with you. i got that alot when i first got into FW.

hey Dustin, i see your in marietta, ya im spitting distance from you. just moved from marietta out towards hiram actually. why? whats up.
yep, i know Optimum Aquarium, Pets Unlimited next to Micro Center, Atlantis Aquarium, Petland by the mall. there are a few others but those are all the ones i use. do you know of any other good ones nears us? i know there is that one near indian hills country club off of johnson ferry but i cant remember the name of it, its good but really far away. the ppl at optimum are the ones that actually explained to me how nano SW works. they did a pretty good job and the owner is pretty knowledgeable, i highly recommend them if you havent been yet.
There are really no decent nano cube protein skimmers out there. Most of them are junk. Most people do not use one on their nano's because small water changes are inevitably the best way to good health.