Green Mandarin Diet

I have a picky mandarin. It appeared to be starving because it couldn't find enough goodies in my tank. I started feeding it live brine shrimp with a fish 'turkey baster'...I would squirt a little right towards its face. After a few days, it took to the live brine and is now quite plump.
remember that brine shrimp aren't the healthiest thing for a fish.. it's like you only eating candy bars constantly. An alternative that my mandarin likes a lot is sushi roe (fish eggs) which you can find at asian markets very cheaply. It's healthier, and my mandarin loves eating it. just somethin to keep in mind :)
I feed my fish half a cube of frozen brine shrimp twice a week, the other nights they get pellets. Tonight I actually sat and watched what the Mandarin did when the frozen brine shrimp went in (as usual the clowns went into a feeding frenzy).

The Mandarin sat at the bottom but was definitely snapping up whatever made it that low into the tank. I'll pay more attention to its behavior tomorrow when the fish get fed some pellets. Some of the brine shrimp made it to the bottom of the tank so I will be watching to see if the Mandarin goes around and cleans up as it swims around.

At night I have noticed a lot of bristleworms in the tank, so I am wondering if it feeds on them as well.
Some have said theirs have eaten Bristleworms, but I have never seen any of the ones I have had do so. I think they prefer smaller live food, IMO.