the reef kid
Next week, I'm going on vacation for a week, and the only person who we can find that will take care of our pets has no idea what to do for my tank...the tank is automated other than water changes and feeding, and it can definitely go a week without a water change, but as for feeding, the last time we had somebody feed the tank, it was pretty much a disaster of overfeeding, and I need some ideas as to what to do to keep it from happening again. I only feed frozen and nori sheets, so what I was thinking about doing was filling a cup with enough food for the week, feeding every other day, and putting it in the fridge so it doesn't rot, but at the same time doesn't have to be thawed, and telling her to measure out "x" amount of food and have precut algae sheets for her to use. Do you forsee any problems? or any better suggestions? TIA