First Tank, Bought used, weird growth

This hobby will DEFINATLEY teach me patience. lol.
Do I have to quarrantine my first fish that go in since there are none in there?
If you don't quarantine and you add a fish to you display tank and he has ich then the ich will always be in the display tank unless you take the fish out and let it run fallow for 8-12 weeks. That is why many people suggest quarantining.
For my 60 I grabbed 2 bags of sand from Petsmart.
For me its currently a matter of not being worth the extra money right now. Ill do with the sand next duty station. im only here for about 12 to 15 months, so im going to stay with the crushed coral then switch over in my next move.
For me its currently a matter of not being worth the extra money right now. Ill do with the sand next duty station. im only here for about 12 to 15 months, so im going to stay with the crushed coral then switch over in my next move.

If that's the route you go just make sure to monitor your levels frequently so that you can quickly identify any problems if they develop. Keep us posted on how it goes!