

Reefing newb
Hey guys new to the site and new to saltwater.
Ive got a 55g im looking to setup once i get back from afghanistan.
I have most of my equipment on a list but confused on the filter part.

I have the octopus super sro 1000 picked out and im still doing research on the process to corectly build a sump.

now for my main question. If im going to run a skimmer w/ a sump do i need an actual filter(s) to go on the tank itself? or is the skimmer and sump the "filter" and will cancel out actual filters and media.
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a filter will cause you nothing but problems .. It will overtime become nothing but a nitrate factory if not cleaned regularly( meaning every few days)....Live rock will work as your biofiltration...Sump with a good return flow, powerheads for water movement, and a good skimmer....When setting up the sump just be sure a little more flow then what you need and put in a ball valve off the return line so you can control any excess flow.....
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A HOB or canister filter isn't necessary. If you wanted to, you could run a reactor with media like carbon, GFO, or biopellets though.
yea still deciding on the reactor especially with carbon would be good, started designing my sump today and got a pretty good plan going so far, now hopefully by tommarow ill have a complete list of supplies to share with every1
+1 everyone. Filters can be useful if they are run periodically, but if you have a skimmer, that will take care of your 24/7 needs. Most people that run media use a reactor, like Brian said.
when I designed my sump I had a rena inline cannister that I plumbed to the return
so if I wanted to run some carbon or something else I just open the shutoffs and put the media in .. ortherwise it sits empty and the shutoffs off....just something to think about...