Enough room?

i was kinda wondering about doing the 10 gal stand up thing myself.. but i think that if i were to do it i would probably spring for the glass and skip the plexy...

but if you feel good about it, try it and let us know how it turns out, cause if it works, i may just copy you.

I have a 10 gallon glass tank just sitting in the basement. I can get plate glass at Home Depot or Lowes. I'm not sure it is thick enough though. I got the idea at RC but I haven't been able to find the link again. I'll post it if I can locate it.
yes please do, cause i currently have my 10gal fuge test setup on the floor beside the DT and i'm allways afraid i'm gonna kick it when i walk by..

I was so mad when i figured out that a 10gal tank wouldnt fit in the cabinet under my main tank... well... it would fit if you could get it in there, but the way the cabinet is shaped, you can get it in but when you try and turn it to get it flat on the bottom, you either hit the walls, or the door frame... so its left at about a 30 deg angle... if we figure out that the 10 gal stood on end would work, i bet i could get 2 of them in that cabinet.