EliWhitney314's 40 reef tank

So I'm having trouble picking my purchase of the week. Should I get the octo skimmer, or sand, a jawfish, and a piece of frogspawn. My HOB refugium still has not come in the mail, and it's starting to annoy me.
Get the Skimmer for now and wait on the fish. :( Then you can have you HOB Refugium and Skimmer up and running and then get a new fish. :) You tank will appreciate it.
hehe well I just bought the sand, a new heater, a blue actinic bulb, and some other stuff. So I will have to wait to get the skimmer until next week. But the jawfish is on sale for 23 days, and that is plenty of time to get my new skimmer.



my refugium


wow eli your tank looks very nice! how did you get rid of all that algae?

Is that ich i see on the clowns or just like that on the pic?