EliWhitney314's 40 reef tank

Personally, like I said before, you need to get more precise test kits. From the photos, I'd say you don't show any nitrates or nitrites, KH is at ~180ppm, pH is ~7.8, which is a bit low but not if the test was done just after turning the lights on. Now, this presumes you took the photo at exactly 30seconds after dipping the test. To be most accurate with that test, I need a pic at 30 seconds and one at 60 seconds. Also, be sure to completely submerge the strip quickly, then keep it held flat while it develops.

Also, for your ammonia test.... how old is that kit? the API kits I've seen have blue/green boxes with white letters.... I only ask 'cause old test kits definitely are not accurate.
Well I bought 25 nass snails on ebay for 99 cents and I got 56 snails!!! I guess I'm going to have to get rid of half of them, I'm sure I will find some people who will want them.

My tank is looking clearer each and every day, at this rate my algea will be gone in a few weeks or so. I'm going to get my water tested saturday and if it's ready I'm going to get my first fish.


You can tell in this photo that all the algea on the sand is gone.


My piece of coral is still looking healthy.


All of those white specs are pods, and there are a ton of them. I love watching them, it's like a city in there.

Eli,I hate to be the one to say it.But those aint nassarius snails.Those are some kind of welk and could be predators.
You got took my friend.
Eli,I hate to be the one to say it.But those aint nassarius snails.Those are some kind of welk and could be predators.
You got took my friend.

How can you tell? I don't see a picture of them close up enough to even tell that they are snails.

Eli, post a better picture! You should know better!! ;)
Well I bought 25 nass snails on ebay for 99 cents and I got 56 snails!!! I guess I'm going to have to get rid of half of them, I'm sure I will find some people who will want them.

My tank is looking clearer each and every day, at this rate my algea will be gone in a few weeks or so. I'm going to get my water tested saturday and if it's ready I'm going to get my first fish.

You are ok with 56 snails in a 40 gal as long as there is enough food for them...

I also cant tell what kind of snails they are.
Looked like nassarius to me, but wtf do i know.

And screw the better pics!
More of you lazy S.O.B's need to draw sweet pictures like Eli! That's awesome. :D