
dehumidifer will run constantly and put out tons of heat, air condtioner will pull out moisture and cool your room and has a hose to send hot air from unit out your window. Do this fast cause if you don't have the green board dry wall in that room you will grow mold in your walls and have a ton more problems biff. Skip the dehumidifier and get portable ac unit or window ac unit, the portable units will dry room out quick.

Living in midwest humidity is high but my central air unit keeps humidity in house down to 38 percent and my old house was built in 1920's without insulation in walls. I have 125 gallon tank and 75 gallon tank running with no humidity issues.
I don't know if that is a viable option, because as I said before -- we have swamp coolers. We have to keep the windows open slightly as it is. I don't think having a portable AC unit in a room where the window has to stay open is efficient or effective. We do not have central air in our house.
sell some frags this could turn into potential health issue, or run a box fun pulling air out of room to circulate the air out of room throughout your house/appartment.
my computer room is on end of house were air doesn't get back to well and is on end of ventelation system from ac unit so i keep ceiling fan on or box fan blowing out of room into house and humidity gauge stays down. I keep humidity gauge in basement and in 2 rooms were my tanks our to keep track of it. since you guys have dry air the rule of thumb is to use fan to blow air out of room during day and blow air in at night.
I have a window A/C in my sump room but it doesn't pull much moisture out. I'm sure it helps, but not much. When running just A/C alone, my sump room has never get lower than 80% humidity.
We have a small one for our classroom and it really helped a lot! It even helped to cool the room! I don't go back to work for 2 weeks, so I can't tell you! But if you are still looking then let me know I will tell you what kind it is!
Well I cant heip with the humidity but I can help with the painting. Being a painting contractor I would put a fan on the wall to dry it out first!!!! Lightly remove the damaged paint and drywall with rough sandpaper. Prime it with something like Zinsser alcohol (its the red label can) based PRIMER SEALER the sealer part is very important don't just use a primer. You can get it at Home Depot. Then put 2 coats of satin sheen paint on. The sealer part of the primer wont let moisture through to the drywall:Cheers:
Biff you gotta get central air; that'll will solve all your issues and be a great investment when you go to sale your house.

It will increase/improve your sex life too.
I think a dehumidifier will pull out more water. Sounds like that room is like the Amazon. Dont reptiles like that crap? Maybe you could be one of those snake ladies. Wait a minute, I just realized I don't know anything about reptiles.
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Yes, dehumidifier does pull out more water. To get an a/c to pull out just as much water, it would have to be continuously running and possibly lower the room temperature to like 60F.
A window unit could be a temporary solution and they are pretty efficient these days. I would put one in your Master Bedroom too. You'll sleep much better.