Custom Build Started Sept. 13, 2009 - Present


Reefing newb
This thread is to simpilify my thread I started over a year ago that went stale for a year. The tank it's self is a custom made 55 gallon but it's a couple inches higher. The refugium is a 35 gallon I built for my freshwater fish then converted it.

2009 Progress. Refugium being put together,

These 10 pictures are me cutting the baffles and dividers for the refugium and the lay out of it.


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2009 Progress - Tank.

These pictures are of the overflow being drilled and my boss Terry & I putting the tank together.


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Progress 2009 - Leak Tests.

Both tanks were left for 3 days full of water. The refugium had a couple little leaks that were easily fixed.


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2010 Progress - Stand.

The stand is made of 2x4's with 5 5 mahogany underlay for an undercoat. The outside is covered in tobacco slates. The tanks rest on 3/4" G.O.S. oak.


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2010 - Progress - Painting the back of the tank.

5 coats of flat black on the back of the tank and I scratched it on my belt buckle carrying it downstairs cause I couldn't wait for someone to help me carry it from the garage to the basement. I'll fix those before I fasten the plumbing together with glue. I'm going to have to buy more paint if there is none at the shop as I used a whole can on it. LOL!


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2010 Progress - Plumbing.

I come out of the overflow with 1 1/2" ABS down to a tee then branch off to 3/4" PVC with flow control valves. Any comments or suggestions are welcome. i did this tonight and is dry fitted together since I forgot to pick up a 1 1/2" elbow and the store closed in 5 minutes. There's always tomorrow. I also added a picture of the refugium labled to what goes where in the actual tank.


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Wow I am impressed! I can't wait to see life in that tank! I am very impressed with your work!

Thank you! Trying to finish the cabinet today, then I can glue the plumbing together. I might get a pump next week and see how well it works. Slowly but surely I'll get some life in here. Will post more pics later tonight.
Update - It's done.

Building the tanks and stand are now complete. I glued the plumbing together, finished the doors, painted the scratches on the back of the tank, and finished putting the slates on the stand. All that is left to do it build a canopy when I get the T5 ballast as I had to sell the ones I had bought last year.

Enjoy the photos.


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I've been asked how much I have spent on this build, and I dug out all my invoices and here's the total to date. This does not include things I've bought by mistake and didn't use.

Main tank built from scratch;
- $56.50 for black plastic trim
- $5.44 silicone for tank
- 6mm glass was free from work.

- 35 Gallon tank was free. (bottom & sides were broken. Scraped it all but the trim and put new glass in it.
- $5.44 for silcone
- 5mm glass was free from work. (tank)
- 4mm glass was free from work. (baffles)

Stand; (includes wood, screws & door hardware)
- $42.69

- $87.12

Total of $ 206.19

I still have to build lighting and something to keep the rock off the bottom which I pick up the acrylic for tonight from work. I'll start it tomorrow if I find time.
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I was looking for some LR Tuesday when I came across this nice little ad on Kijiji.

55 Gallon Salt Water Fish Tank - London Pets For Sale - Kijiji London Canada.

Since it was posted on Oct. 14 I figured there was no way it would still be there but I called anyways. She still had it, and I bought it. I think I just saved myself a whole :pooh: load of money. The stuff may not be the best, but really it was just the LR I wanted. The rest was a bonus. Here's pics of what I got after I emptied it there and then drove a hour back home and set it up again. The tank is a complete mess. I don't know when the last time it was cleaned, but then I didn't want the tank. The price sticker is the normal selling price of the skimmer in all the LPS. There is another fish which went right into hiding, 2 hermit crabs, and a crap load of algae covered snails. Now to clean all this up and move it to my setup.

Just a quick note that totes aren't the best things for moving water in. Don't tell my Mom they leaked a lot in the back of her Jimmy. ;)

YOTE: I drove all that way and you weren't even home. Kim didn't like that I emptied all the christmas and halloween totes to use.:mrgreen: JK!!! LOL!


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That's a ton of stuff! Good deal. It will get you started. It looks like the rock may have some pest anemones. Hard to tell without a better pic though. Keep your eye on them.
That's a ton of stuff! Good deal. It will get you started. It looks like the rock may have some pest anemones. Hard to tell without a better pic though. Keep your eye on them.

Jodi said she bought them, but couldn't remember the names of them. I'll see if I can get a closer pic of them tomorrow. I should go to bed, but I can't help staring at the tank. It'll look better once I get it cleaned up and moved to my tank. Won't have all that stuff hanging on the back of it.
wow you are doing a great job i just got hooked to this thread...i really like your stand it looks kinda antique

Thanks Bryan!! The idea just came to me while I was over putting some windows in for a farmer I worked for years in tobacco for. I was looking for something cheap and would look good. My wife & I both hated it until I finished the doors and put the trim around the tank to hide the black trim. (she picked out the hinges)
DANG DUDE.I thought you was looking at a tank for sale,NOT a whole fist store.:D
That'll make a great looking reef.