I got my citters in today! I love them, finally some life in my tank. The Randalls Piston Shrimp and Yellow Watchman Goby teamed up immediately, I placed the pistol where I wanted him, he went under the rock, then I let the goby go in the exact same spot and BAM! They are there working on their lair already. The 3 chromis are awesome they cruise all over together and the Sailfin Tang schools around with them 50% of the time. They are all so small...tiny babys but it will be cool to watch them grow. The tang is like the size of a silver dollar maybe. The green "war paint" goby is hiding in the rocks and hasn't been seen. And the pep shrimp just kinda dance, but haven't really done much. All in all, I am very happy! Reefs2go.com was a good deal and they packed everything in a Styrofoam cooler and sent it overnight. Didn't see a lot of pods, but maybe they were all just too small to see...I tried to get some pictures but my phone camera sucks! Here is one I tried to get of the watchman goby in his lair and another of my blue mushroom....which was open wide until I turned on my skimmer and then it closed up. Thought it was too much flow so I moved it but still not open very much so maybe I'll move it again. Sorry for the long post, but the life in the tank got me excited!