Contest Sharkie

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When I was in the Army I used to sell, plasma twice a week. I was broke and it was easy money with a free snack at the end. Just so you know, the people who risk their lives for your freedoms make horrible money.

Aint it the truth
We have people in the military making:pooh:
and we have celebrities and athletes making bank

Our society is screwed up.
I know you have been busy with your new shark and all but did you get any corals for this contest tank? Oh and pictures would be nice. :D
Oh I do have some corals!! the tanks are still at the old house though :( and i'm at the new one... tomorrow I make the crazy move of everyone and everything... WITHOUT taking this tank apart! lol. THen the corals will be photoed and showed off :P altho they aren't all that great :l corals around here suck right now.
well, everything is SUPER cloudly still D: so i'm just waiting for it to all settle... and pray i didn't have a new cycle setoff!! my mom found me black sand and for my bday added it to the 10. Dx the fish look good and levels are okay but i'm jsut waiting for the smoke to clear :l
OK sharkie, Since its the holidays im feeling REALLY giving, and im giving you a chance to stay in the competition. You did not post pics Oct or Nov. If you post at least 6 pics up this week I will let you still be in the running for the competition. Its your 1 get out of jail free card :) Its important to post pics for us eager beavers every month so we can see the progress of your sweet nano! I want to see you hang in there!
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