Contest Sharkie

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Welcome to the contest. I'm really excited to have you join since you don't think you can beat me.:mrgreen:

J/k Good luck and lets see some pics of it!
Sharkie will probably kick all of your asses! After all she is a professional at this aquarium stuff.

lol, i wish! you halfta remember, the aquarium is all cold watered stuff.... reef stuff kicks my butt :p lol.

but on a bright note, today I will have pictures!! WOOO!! finally have some time because a class was cancelled to go get some batteries! lol




and this one is just for fun... when i said my room is lookin' like a lab i'm not kidding... this will be the 4th tank in there! LOL


the water will be coming later today, got it half-filled and my sisters math tutor walked in and is now hoggin the kitchen so i cant get any more water atm :grumble: who needs a house to be quiet when you have a build going on?
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Just hand her the bucket and say its a math problem

I have a 10 gallon tank that is half full of water. If the rocks displace 1/3 of the total volume of the tank, how much more water do I need?:mrgreen:
nice one bj. good to see the pics. If it was up to me I would have tanks in every room on every wall but since I am married and she doesnt like me much at the moment I will have to stay with two........for now.
thanks!! I'm excited!! I'm hoping things will go the way i want them too... I don't really have a huge plan buuuut i do know whats going in there fish wise... should I spill or should I wait? I'm picking him up this weekend and he'll halfta be in qt for a bit because i don't want him gettin' eaten by something bigger than him (which is a very very likely possibility)

also quick question!!
can i move the tank into a different room? or will that mess me up as an entrant? lol My younger siblings are BEGGING to have a tank in their room annnnd I may have just hooked myself up with a 50 g that would be going where the dresser in the picture is.... I still only have it half filled and nothing in it so would it be "cheating" to move it?

just wanna make sure before i get all gung-ho and agree! lol
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doesnt matter where it is at. I would think you can move it where ever you want as long as it was empty when you started, which it was. On second thought maybe it does matter you cant have it in say a 125 set up but that would be the only thing I could see about placement.
LOL. alright, then i'm gonna go ahead and move it into my sisters room... that way the shark tank can come in my room... apparently mom doesn't like the idea of a shark tank setup in her office :P

So... tomorrow equals sand for both tanks, annnnnnd hopefully getting some LR! :D
Darn and I was hoping for the shark to go into the contest tank:mrgreen:
(Joking BTW I know you guys know that but just making sure)
oh hoh!! it may... but then again it just may win over everyones cuteness factory with my sweet little fish of DOOM. Honesty, i COULDN"T resist getting him for this contest. what better way to have a nano tank than with a nano fish? ;D ;D
ok I give what is this mystery fish? I think I m gonna go get some zoa's tomorrow for mine.
noooo not a wrasse!!!

I'll be bringing him home today and he will be going into my QT until the tank is ready for him :D i'll post pictures!
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