Contest Bifferwine

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Okay FTS coming today! I'm also going to do my first water change on the tank today. I'm thinking 2 or 3 gallons -- a pretty big one, since I'm not using any sort of filtration and because I have been feeding the ric garden pretty heavily.
Sorry, I did the water change just a little bit ago, and I always add calcium to my new water, so it's cloudy. I'm making water for the big tank's water change now, by the time that's done, the little tank should have cleared up.
Mine was pretty big -- about 3 gallons or so. I'm waiting till everything mixes and then I'm going to do my first round of water tests!
BIFF! Where's the pics of your Ricci's? Can't wait to see them!

BTW, any time you take a macro shot of your hands they are going to look huge! Don't let those boys scare you from taking pics.

Oh, and it's been a while so I've got to get you: Your tank is going DOWN! Deal with it, Team Seahorse is going to kick your a$$!.

I tested the water last night. Everything was spot-on:

pH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0

I was so happy! I was a little worried, since I have been force feeding those rics like the fat little piggies I want them to become!!
I just cleaned my glass and took them, but they are coming out totally blurry :( Maybe I've lost the macro touch all of a sudden!! I'll try again in the day time. I think the lighting is throwing it off.
Yep, cyclopeeze freezer bars. Shooting them in their bumpy little faces with the turkey baster. Most of them are sticky enough to grab a few pieces. Since I added the first few ricordeas to this tank a few weeks ago, two of them have already grown new mouths and one has split in half. In my previous tank, the grew so slowly. In a year, I did not have any new ones. I was convinced they were just stunted by a) me not feeding them, and b) the water quality in my 240.

It's debateable whether or not you can feed them. Some say you can, some say you can't, that they are totally photosynthetic. I figured I might as well give the feedings a shot. As long as I keep my water quality up, it can't hurt anything.
Hmm very interesting. I have some reef plankton I may try to feed my little guy. Who knows. I sure would loir it to split. Maybe ill test out your theory.
I was always so mad at them, because they are EXPENSIVE! And in my old tank, they'd never grow or split. So this time, I'm really going to try to do everything I can to entice them to spread.
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