zdes' 10g nano (feedback requested)

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

I just noticed a couple little patches of neon green coraline on one of the rocks. I will try and take a picture of it tonight when I get home... Has anyone heard of green coraline algae? I've seen pictures online (looks like just basic green algae covering a rock) of it but mine is like a neon lime green.
Update day 27

We named the clownfish! My fiancee liked the name Claude, so I named the female Simone.

I was also killing some time at the LFS the next day and bought her. We named her Emma.

One of my friends was getting rid of his condy anemone so I figured I would give it a shot. It has been doing well so far. It stayed in the back middle of the tank for a few days, was kinda flopped over and not looking so hot (I was going to try to feed every 2 days) so I moved it up to the top right rock under the light, fed it, and left to go to work hoping for the best. It had moved to the front right glass of the tank and has anchored itself there. I feed it a little bit every day right before I feed my clowns, and it seems to be doing pretty well. Only time will tell I guess. I keep a close eye on it and if it declines again I will probably bring it to my LFS, hopefully for a small trade. One of my coworker said I should call it Dread because it looks like dreadlocks tipped with purple. I thought it fit, so Dread the anemone it is!

I can't wait for the anemone police to show up...

I had my first exprience with fragging xenia. My friend wanted to thin out his xenia a little bit and was going to just throw some of it away, so I asked if I could frag some. It cut off really easy, and I tied it to a piece of live rock rubble that I brought over. After drip acclimating for about an hour with the anemone, it was looking pretty bad. You can see now that it is doing much better! And only 7 days old so far.

Simone was investigating Dread for a while but any efforts to host in it have not been seen yet. She just ignores it now. I am trying the picture method - I printed off a photo of a clown hosting in an anemone and taped it to the side of the tank. I know that ocellaris don't typically host in condy's (since they're technically from opposite ends of the world) but the fish are tank-raised and so is the anemone, so we will see :)

Anyone know about best food for clowns/anemone? I'm just doing mysis right now... What about the coral - do they just filter feed or is there anything I can do for it? From what I've read, the anemone and the xenia both need iodine - is that true?

I have attached some new pics.


  • Day 26 Dread (640x480).jpg
    Day 26 Dread (640x480).jpg
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  • Day 26 Xenia (640x480).jpg
    Day 26 Xenia (640x480).jpg
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  • Day 26 FTS 1 (640x480).jpg
    Day 26 FTS 1 (640x480).jpg
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  • Day 18 Emma (640x480).jpg
    Day 18 Emma (640x480).jpg
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Ask your LFS about a mixed carnivore cube. Should have like Krill, Plankton, Mysis, and other stuff in it. It's good to feed varieties. And, I wish you the best on the nem, just make sure you watch it if it starts to decline and PRAY it doesn't get sucked up into the power head when your at work or it's good game on your tank lol.

Tank is looking great! Glad to see you're moving forward :)
Your tank looks really great but you missed the perfect names for your clowns....Fred and Ethel....or Ralph and Alice.....and clowns don't host condys....they (condis) are Carribean and clowns are pacific....not a familiar species to the clowns....

When you start feeding fairly often consider 2 or 3 nassarius snails....Reef Zombies...they hide in the sandbed until food touches the sand, then they bubble up, eat whatever hits the sand and back down into the ground again.....
From what I have read and seen, clowns will host anything but might not host at all. Is that true? I heard it was just luck of the draw and hope they dont host the powerhead.

Yea those nassarius snails are my favorite! They start zipping around when its feeding time. I have 5 of those, 3 big nerites and 2 zebra nerites, about 20 ceriths and 5 florida ceriths (bigger ceriths) and 3 of the tiniest blue hermit crabs I have seen that hitchhiked their way in on my reefcleaners order. I highly recommend reefcleaners.org btw!

The big nerites are a pain. Sometimes I will wake up and one is on top of the hood of the tank. In hindsight, I wouldve just bought 20 nassarius snails and 2 emerald crabs. The nassarius snails work day and night and clean the sand too. Im going to have to get more shells so the hermits dont kill my snails...
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3 Month Update - I have attached the FTS and a picture of what I think are diatoms I have been dealing with (looking for advice on dealing with it but want to make sure they are diatoms...).

PH: 8.4
NO: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 0

The small female emerald crab died (the small hermit crabs ate her), so I was a little sad at the first loss of the tank. After a couple weeks, I had some petco cash, so I picked up a pom-pom crab, a porcelain crab, and a bigger female emerald crab, along with a small radial filefish that the associate recommended to take care of my aiptasia. After a week or two, the pom pom molted, and the porcelain crab bit the dust. The pom pom and emerald crab are doing well, and the filefish has decimated my aiptasia population about 10 days after buying it. The bad news is that it has been picking at my xenia, which I have split into a few different locations now.

I was having major temperature swings since we don't have A/C with temperatures soaring upwards of 84-86. So I purchased a better light than what I had previously. I got a wavepoint 16w 10000k daylight/blue clip-on LED, which has been helping the damaged zoas open up and grow (bought the zoas for about $1.50 at my lfs). It's decently priced, too: WavePoint 12" Micro Sun LED High Output Clamp Light - Super Blue & Daylight Aquarium LED Light Fixtures
Now the temperature is back to its original fluctuation of 79-81.

After getting this light, my anemone has been exploding in size. I am really thinking about upgrading to a bigger tank now, just dreading the cost of more lighting and more equipment...

A couple questions/advice needed:

My nitrates, after the cycle, have been almost consistently 0 (rare raises but the returning to 0), while I occasionally have small rises in nitrites. Any reason why this might be happening???

I've read that adding circulation can help with getting rid of diatoms. What is everyone else's recommendation? I'm using distilled water only.

I want to try out LPS coral with the LED to see how they turn out. I don't want to get rid of the filefish, though. Any recommendations on coral to try that might not get nipped on by the filefish? It will literally take little pieces of shrimp from my anemone so it isn't the shyest of fish, despite what the interwebs say about filefish.

Any thoughts overall are welcomed :)


  • Diatoms (640x480).jpg
    Diatoms (640x480).jpg
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  • FTS (640x480).jpg
    FTS (640x480).jpg
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3 Month Update - I have attached the FTS and a picture of what I think are diatoms I have been dealing with (looking for advice on dealing with it but want to make sure they are diatoms...).

PH: 8.4
NO: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 0

The small female emerald crab died (the small hermit crabs ate her), so I was a little sad at the first loss of the tank. After a couple weeks, I had some petco cash, so I picked up a pom-pom crab, a porcelain crab, and a bigger female emerald crab, along with a small radial filefish that the associate recommended to take care of my aiptasia. After a week or two, the pom pom molted, and the porcelain crab bit the dust. The pom pom and emerald crab are doing well, and the filefish has decimated my aiptasia population about 10 days after buying it. The bad news is that it has been picking at my xenia, which I have split into a few different locations now.

I was having major temperature swings since we don't have A/C with temperatures soaring upwards of 84-86. So I purchased a better light than what I had previously. I got a wavepoint 16w 10000k daylight/blue clip-on LED, which has been helping the damaged zoas open up and grow (bought the zoas for about $1.50 at my lfs). It's decently priced, too: WavePoint 12" Micro Sun LED High Output Clamp Light - Super Blue & Daylight Aquarium LED Light Fixtures
Now the temperature is back to its original fluctuation of 79-81.

After getting this light, my anemone has been exploding in size. I am really thinking about upgrading to a bigger tank now, just dreading the cost of more lighting and more equipment...

A couple questions/advice needed:

My nitrates, after the cycle, have been almost consistently 0 (rare raises but the returning to 0), while I occasionally have small rises in nitrites. Any reason why this might be happening???

I've read that adding circulation can help with getting rid of diatoms. What is everyone else's recommendation? I'm using distilled water only.

I want to try out LPS coral with the LED to see how they turn out. I don't want to get rid of the filefish, though. Any recommendations on coral to try that might not get nipped on by the filefish? It will literally take little pieces of shrimp from my anemone so it isn't the shyest of fish, despite what the interwebs say about filefish.

Any thoughts overall are welcomed :)

just let it be man, diatoms go away on there own... i know its hard to look at but thats nature for you lol