Contest Bifferwine

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Shhh you weren't supposed to give away what I ordered! :shock:

Like anyone couldn't have guessed...

I know, I'm expecting top of the line ricordeas from them! I did buy 20 after all, they should throw in a freebee or two for a "frequent buyer" haha.

I'm so excited. I'm having them delivered to my office tomorrow so I can be there when it all goes down, you know? I haven't ordered tank stuff in nearly two years. What a rush!
Biff, your tank looks awesome! LOVE your macro shots, what did you do different? New lense? Where did you order your ricordea? Can't wait to see them!!!!!!!!


Catherine, I learned to adjust the white balance, and my camera has a manual setting where you can select the type of ambient lighting (like tungsten, fluorescent, sunlight, etc). So I fiddled with those two settings and my pics starting looking good for once!!

It's 8 pm. Had my package (ordered from Coral Morphologic - Live Corals, check out my review in the Vendor forum) delivered to work today, and when I got home I was so excited, like a fat kid in a candy store! Like a fat kid in a cake store! Like a fat kid in a... Well you get the picture. So I unpacked all my ricordeas, then I remembered I don't have any putty or glue.

Bah. So I head to Ace, and get 2 tubes of putty. I spent the last 3 1/2 hours trying to get them all in place. I ended up having to reaquascape the whole tank, of course.

Some of the ricordeas are on such small pieces of rock. I forgot to get superglue when I was at Ace, so NDB is bringing some home from work, and I'll finish glueing them all on. I'll upload pics of the new additions soon.
Okay, here are pictures of my new ricordeas when I took them out of the bags, one by one! And yes, you get to be blessed with more images of my so-called man hands. Whoever said that first, I'm gonna kill you. My fingers get prunier and prunier as the photos go along!











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I hope so! Can't see a damn thing right now because it's so cloudy. Waiting for NDB to get home with that superglue! I can't turn on the powerhead til I'm done glueing everyone down.
Holy f! Beautiful!!!!!!!! Where is the fts???????

Thank you!

No FTS tonight, unfortunately :( My aquascaping stirred up all the crapola and made it cloudy. I actually like my new aquascaping a ton better, anyways.

NDB brought home the super glue, so I got finished gluing everyone's asses down. They are not happy. If I could take a FTS now, all you'd see are dozens of slime streams anyways. Slime streams. They are like the tear tracks of unhappy corals. Tomorrow there will be a FTS for sure.

I've started feeding the rics cyclopeeze every other day. I want to get them all roided up as fast as I can! Just as long as they don't start biting each others' ears off and shooting their wives and kids and stuff.
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