I failed Kobayashi Maru
My ferrets were all manipulative little things ;) Quite intelligent. They learned quickly to pretend to poop in their litterbox before I would open the cage (many times did they fool me that they pooped so I would let them out to play, only to see them backing into a corner LOL
But anyway, you notice, Homer, how many times the word "instinct" comes up in this thread. Again, swimming horizontally is their nature.
Even the tank-bred seahorses need certain sized tanks. They knew nothing but the tank, yet they get sick if you put them in the wrong tank size. They have requirements that you can not unteach.
But anyway, you notice, Homer, how many times the word "instinct" comes up in this thread. Again, swimming horizontally is their nature.
Even the tank-bred seahorses need certain sized tanks. They knew nothing but the tank, yet they get sick if you put them in the wrong tank size. They have requirements that you can not unteach.