clown gobies???


Reefing newb
Sturgis, MI
Do clown gobies get along with each other?? I have a coralife 29 gallon biocube. Coralife protein skimmer, heater, 20lbs base rock, 10lbs live rock, 2" live sb, intank media basket with filter floss, purigen, chemi pure elite. Right now I have 5 astrea snails, 5 dwarf ceriths, 5 dwarf blue legged crabs, and a porcelain crab. As for fish I have a yellow rose goby/candy stripe pistol shrimp and a yellow clown goby. I am wanting to get another small fish (max size 2in). I want something that is active and not going to hide all the time. Anyone have any suggestions?? I would love to get another clown goby but would they get along with each other??
What about adding a couple of firefish? They are pretty fish that usually stay in plain sight. Or a wrasse of some kind? Or a dottyback? Sunrise Dottybacks, and Neon Dottybacks are both awesome looking fish :)

Edit: Well, firefish hide alot in the beginning. As they get more comfortable you'll see them more. Also, i'd recommend going tank raised. Tank raised fish are use to dealing with people, and associate people with good things, like oh, food? :p