Closed loop set up

Have you looked at the ingredients in that foam. Lots of people speak of the big public aquariums usingi t, but they do not include the fact that the large public aquariums put epoxy or stucco over the foam. The foam is only to provide a shape (reverse to a mold) not a finished produact. Foam is ugly and potentially dangerous.
Ocean motions seems to be a nice expensive toy for those with a lot of money. I have not seen or heard of many middle income people (average reefers) or professionals coral growers buying them. Typically they are used by the people that put together 500 gallon and larger custom tanks with back rooms bigger than most living rooms. You know those ones with the $2500 to $5000 skimmers, $5000 dollar lighting systems on tracks, $5000 control systems, a sump and refugium you could swim in and other such grandiose things. Sorta like the $1,000,000 motor home with the Mercedes (or what ever it was) in the pull out car drawer that was posted on this forum as a jest to camping. But this is just my opinion not the result of an opinion poll. Wow, Ocean Motions.
I remember when every body had to have wave makers. I bought into that fad. I bought three, used one for a few days, sold the second one and still can not figure out what to do with the third one. I finally threw away the used one. Some people like them and still use them.
There is only one system I like better than closed loops for circulation, but it is not practical for a display tank. I like lift tubes for shallow grow out and shallow frag tanks. Powered by air blowers. You can move a huge volume of water with lift pumps very cheaply in comparison to water pumps. Basically like the under gravel filters used years ago that used wooden air stones in their lift (riser) tubes. Skimmers made with air stones work also work great when powered by air blowers, but they are way to tall to fit in an aquarium stand (like around 6 ft tall for a skimmer to handle a tank of 100 to 300 gallons). They are very commonly used by commercial growers as they are cheap to build and operate. I can not however say that the small airstone skimmers powered by small air pumps work well though.