Cleaning the front of the tank...


Seahorse Whisperer
I HATE to clean the sides and front of my tank. In my pony tank I do everything possible to keep a good supply of pods and the pods, for some reason, like to crawl on the glass. Also, there are always tons of snail eggs there. If I don't clean it then I don't get to see into my tank which is bad because I like to look at my tank! How can I stop from being a murderer when I use my mag-float?

Yes! Talk to your snails and come to an agreement as to just where they are allowed to lay eggs. (Sorry that's all I could come up with Catherine.) :)
what if you syphoned a little water through a tube while you remove them, that way you could catch them in a bucket, and then put them back whereever you want.
Since snails like to lay their eggs on a smooth surface,just put a piece of cly flower pot next to the glass.Hopefully they'll lay on that instead of the glass.
Chances are if they're laying them on the front of the glass, they're on the sides and back too. I usually just wipe 'em out....I still have tons of baby snails....tons.
yea i have babys in my tank too, i think its soooo cool cause its the only thing that i've evern gotten to reproduce in captivity, well except my dogs...
Perhaps this has something to do with your marital problems? You decided a while ago you weren't going to have kids, and you took (semi-permanent) measures to ensure that, and now her mind has changed and she wants kids and she regrets making that decision with you, and resents you for going along with it and doing it, and that's why she wants nothing to do with you. She feels like you "stole" her ability and her chance to have children and maybe by chasing you away by acting the way that she does, she can have the opportunity to achieve that with someone else. She's afraid to come out and tell you that because she's aware that it was a joint decision at the time, so she's partly to blame, so she acts in a passive aggressive manner towards you instead, in the hopes that you will leave and she won't have to deal with this issue.
Perhaps this has something to do with your marital problems? You decided a while ago you weren't going to have kids, and you took (semi-permanent) measures to ensure that, and now her mind has changed and she wants kids and she regrets making that decision with you, and resents you for going along with it and doing it, and that's why she wants nothing to do with you. She feels like you "stole" her ability and her chance to have children and maybe by chasing you away by acting the way that she does, she can have the opportunity to achieve that with someone else. She's afraid to come out and tell you that because she's aware that it was a joint decision at the time, so she's partly to blame, so she acts in a passive aggressive manner towards you instead, in the hopes that you will leave and she won't have to deal with this issue.
