pretty much. I am trying to find what corals will work with my angels. I have found some success with the few I have, but I am just so Damn Jealous of Reef's tank, and his corals, that I want to emulate that, but have massive angelfish swimming around. I have learned that all types of Xenia will be massacred, as well as all zoanthids, except an ugly brown color, which are flourishing:
Not sure what kind these are, and I do apologize for the blurry pic. The pics Monday will be immaculate (I am trying to learn from the Yote school of picture taking).
Anyway, on a side note, I think my Powder Blue has an internal parasite. He is getting skinner, but eats like a pig. He seems to have a small bulge in his tummy all the time, (Tumor?), he swims all day and eats without hesitation. I thought of giving him a freshwater dip to see if that would be helpful, but I fear that the shock will just plain kill him. Powder Blues are huge PANSIES, and not hardy AT ALL. Which is so frustrating about this guy. He has acclimated to my aggressive tank SO WELL, it is a shame to watch him waste away.
-Dr Marco :sfish: