
pretty much. I am trying to find what corals will work with my angels. I have found some success with the few I have, but I am just so Damn Jealous of Reef's tank, and his corals, that I want to emulate that, but have massive angelfish swimming around. I have learned that all types of Xenia will be massacred, as well as all zoanthids, except an ugly brown color, which are flourishing:


Not sure what kind these are, and I do apologize for the blurry pic. The pics Monday will be immaculate (I am trying to learn from the Yote school of picture taking).

Anyway, on a side note, I think my Powder Blue has an internal parasite. He is getting skinner, but eats like a pig. He seems to have a small bulge in his tummy all the time, (Tumor?), he swims all day and eats without hesitation. I thought of giving him a freshwater dip to see if that would be helpful, but I fear that the shock will just plain kill him. Powder Blues are huge PANSIES, and not hardy AT ALL. Which is so frustrating about this guy. He has acclimated to my aggressive tank SO WELL, it is a shame to watch him waste away.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Hate to hear your powder blue isnt doing good.Is there any way you put him in a Qtank and treat him?
yeah, that's it. They are so drab, palyothoas, do they come in better colors?

-Dr Marco :sfish:

I want to make you want to see the pics. I am stirring up your curiosity so you will oogle over the pics.

FYI, I am going to get at least two more corals tomorrow along with THE FISH. The question is: who will be replaced?

Emperor Angel?
Koran Angel?
Blue Angel?
Singapore Angel?
Regal Tang?
Powder Blue Tang?
Ocellaris Clown Fish?
Yellow Bellied Damsel?

Someone is leaving and being replaced. Maybe TWO are taking a will have to wait three days to find out...."dun, dun, duhhhhhh"
(that was the dramatic flare for those of you who are artsy-fartsy types)

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I come back here looking for pics,nope,no such luck.
I say replace the Powder Blue since she's sick.Doc,I've seen beautiful Palys that were pink and lavender.

What the two new corals?
I already added 6 - a variety of mushrooms, leathers, etc. I am thinking about another scolymia, but I fear it will be too meaty of a temptation. Not sure yet, but I may just go on a different direction. I posted a question regarding my direction on another post - the clues are mounting...

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I soooo want it to be an achiles tang. I know that's not one of your precious angels, but those fish are so damn beautiful! And hard to find!
I apologize to everyone that has to read this ahead of time.

But this thread reminds me of one of the greatest 80s songs EVER.

Wind of Change. By Scorpions. No, they are not THE Scorpions. Just Scorpions. Look it up :D.

Cue the whistling, boys!!

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

Dr. Marco. I hope your Changes are as big as the Changes that Scorpions whistled about.
check it out on Monday, you won't be disappointed. Pics will be awesome

-Dr Marco :sfish: