Brand New To Reef Aquariums

Another question everyone.......
Is scoria rock (red volcanic rock) good as a base rock? I was told it was really good the only issue is that it doesn't buffer the water so you need to keep an even closer eye on the water parameters.
It's much cheaper than the other base rock and I think it will look better until the corals and live rock take over...
Jason, I would suggest to use normal base rock, you want somethin that will be better for your tank and volcanic rock doesnt do as good a job.

It doesnt matter in the end, with some patience, they will all look great. my suggestion would be to get some nicely shaped base rock
+1 Josh
The lava rock will also contain a lot of heavy metals that aint so good for stuff like shrimp and corals.
Thanks everyone for your advice. As soon as I get the remainder of the stuff that I need and I start setting it all up I'll post some pics on what it looks like from the initial set up to the stage where I finally add my corals and fish....

most of the live rock that I've been looking at already has small mushroom corals on it so once I purchase that I'll be on my way..

Thanks again for the advice
try to buy those after you have cycled your tank! mushroom corals will not do well during the cycling phase and you may lose them

But pics are all we ask for here :P So looking forward to seeing them :D
I'm going to start putting it all together next week sometime now that I've gotten some great advice on other bits and pieces that I need, so I'll take photos of all the stages of set up and post them...
Still havent decided where I'm going to put my tank yet... thinking on the dressing table.
Still not sure about what I want to have living in it other than the Mushroom corals, was thinking about 2 coral gobies and 2 peppermint shrimp.

Anyone have any other ideas on what I should house in my Nano reef?
Ok so today I found a great deal on some live rock $14.95 a kilo instead of $25.... It looks good so I'm going to purchase that on Wednesday or Thursday this week....
Now my only issue is finding my damn digital camera so I can take pics of the whole saga!!!!
I would just like to thank all of our international members for forcing me to look up the gallons to liters chart. :D

1 liter = .26 gallons

I went 40 yrs without having to know that.

Welcome to the site
I would just like to thank all of our international members for forcing me to look up the gallons to liters chart. :D

1 liter = .26 gallons

I went 40 yrs without having to know that.

Welcome to the site

Sorry in my excitement I forgot to change everything into gallons to make things easier for those that don't use litres.........

:Cheers: to everyone making me feel so welcome too!!!!

This is an awesome site and everyone has been sooo helpful!

Do you guys have anything like Craigslist in Australia? If so, sheck their for live rock. You'll save some cash.

I used to date a girl from Perth. God was she hot. I still miss her on occasion 20 years later. do have something like Craigslist...It's called Craigslist.
Thanks for the advice...
Had a few relationship issues the past few days so my Nano reef is on the back burner until things get sorted. I don't want to set it all up and then find out I have to move or something crazy like that.....

Thank you everyone for your advice!!!
As soon as things are sorted I'll start posting again as soon as I start setting up my tank...

Thanks again everyone's advice has been invaluable..
Been there and done that.
If momma aint happy,aint nobody happy.
Hope y'all get it all worked out and the tank build gets started.
Hey Everyone am finally back after a few months absence!!! Still haven't started my Nano Reef yet but have all the stuff I need to get it started....
Will be starting it next weekend so there will be pics going up of every stage...
Thanks everyone again for all of your previous advice and if I need more I'm going to pester you all til I get the answers I need!! Haha