Black Long Spine Urchin

I cant get enough of craigslist andysgirl, if I lived closer like you my tank would be soooo crammed full of stuff. Its like Denver is a haven for reef stuff. I got my 210 off craigslist from colorado springs and I am always finding great deals on there from denver, its just 4 hour dive is a long ways for it unless im picking up alot of stuff. But I would make a 70 mile trip like it was across the city:mrgreen:
I cant get enough of craigslist andysgirl, if I lived closer like you my tank would be soooo crammed full of stuff. Its like Denver is a haven for reef stuff. I got my 210 off craigslist from colorado springs and I am always finding great deals on there from denver, its just 4 hour dive is a long ways for it unless im picking up alot of stuff. But I would make a 70 mile trip like it was across the city:mrgreen:

This is true, and I don't really mind the trek, but I have to plan it carefully to make it worth my while. I have to plan it like a snatch and grab, cuz I don't want little critters sloshing around in a bucket any longer than the typical hour-long drive.

This weekend, I am picking up some extra live rock....(FREEEEEEEEEEEE!), this here little long spine, and a fantastic trio of green hairy mushrooms (4" diameter each) for only $15. If you include the gas, I'll be paying about $70 total. I only have to make 3 stops! *L*

One downside to Denver shopping is there are groups of "tank busters" that troll the ads. They buy up all the discounted equipment and livestock in one fell swoop, frag all the coral colonies, then resell back to the public, still at discount, but higher prices than the original seller, and more stressed out animals. Although, some of my best little coral frags have come from a single private "tank buster" for quite a value overall, and they have all thrived in my tank.
I dont worry about coral so much being in a bucket for any length of time its fish if I decide to get one, Aside from craigslist I do shop at keys island in denver, They are very knowledgeable and helpful. they also have great prices.
Here he is! I think it's pretty cool!

I got stung by one of these about 20 or 30 times diving off the coast of cozumel. It does not hurt that bad. I picked one up the size of a basketball thinking it was similar to the species I have locally. Little bugger got me good. Anyhow, they will leave little black dots under your skin that take a week or two to go away. The sting is something I wouldn't even worry about if I was getting one.