Biff's 90 Gallon Downgrade

Hey Biff, what do you got for fish in there now?

Not too many.

2 tomato clowns
2 chromis
2 pajama cardinals
1 sixline wrasse
1 coral beauty
1 yellow tang
1 yellow tailed blue damsel

I think my stars have eaten fish recently. I haven't seen the mandarin or blue damsel in weeks. Last week, NDB and I were watching the tank at night and one of the stars reached his arm out at a chromis that was hovering under a rock. It wrapped its arm around the chromis and dragged the chromis under the rock. The whole time, the chromis was struggling to escape. It eventually did, and swam away. But that gave me pause, and I thought, "Hmmm, I bet that's what happened to the mandarin and the blue damsel. Except they weren't so lucky."

The blue damsel was the very first fish I had. He was special to me and he will be missed. I had also had Mandy the mandarin for around 5 years. She was huge and fat.

All of the fish remaining in my tank have been with me for 4+ years. They are all oldies. NDB wants to try and catch the two stars and take them to the LFS. But I'm kind of attached to them too, and it would be hard to get them out of the tank. It's a conundrum.
I do plan to add a few more fish down the road -- I would love to replace my pink tailed trigger that died in a rock slide last year, but I couldn't keep on in a 90 gallon tank in good conscience :( So it makes me sad that I will have to pass on that fish. What I do plan on adding are another mandarin (poor Mandy, you will never be forgotten!), a lawnmower blenny (to replace my sweet Lenny who died a couple years ago after jumping into the overflow) and a leopard wrasse (to replace my dear BooBoo who did not survive the tank move from the 240 to the 90).

Wow I make it sound like I've killed a lot of fish. I really haven't -- I think I have a pretty good track record with fish! Like I said, all the fish in my tank now, I've had for 4+ years. Last year was a bad year for fish though -- that one rock slide killed three. BooBoo the leopard wrasse never recovered from moving to a new tank, and Team Starfish has recently decided to go all Rambo on my remaining fish...
Put the stars in the sump! What kind are they? I've got two of the black/white banded serpent stars, but they seem pretty fish safe - they only seem to care about bits of mysis shrimp. (fingers crossed they stay that way) I'd be so bummed about the Mandarin, they're gorgeous...if one made a move towards mine, I'd remove it in a heartbeat.
I have an orange colored brittle star. Haven't seen him in a long time. I must get the flashlight out at night and see if I can find him.
I realized today that I have very few non-coral inverts in my tank. I have a rock full of hitch hiking feather dusters, two ugly brown brittle stars, and less than 5 snails, and probably about 3 hermits.

I don't get a lot of algae on my rocks, and so far this very small CUC has been fine. But I do miss looking at the cool inverts.

Today I am going to my LFS and am hopefully going to add to my tank's invert diversity. Depending on what they have, I want to get a fancy starfish, an urchin, a couple different types of shrimp, a clam, and some decorative crabs. I hope they have stuff in stock!
ohhhhhhh the Urchins..... love them. I have 2 peppermint shrimps. They have a cleaning station under that shelf I put in,. They are cool, so funny to watch. Good luck, hope your LFS has what you want. Remember ..... PICS !!!!
I have never had an urchin before.

My parents are coming to visit today. They're staying for two weeks. In the past, my tanks have been in shambles at the time of their visits (they usually only come about once a year). This time, I'm going to be so proud to show them my new house, my new car and my new tanks!

I think my 90 will be a lot more impressive to them if it has a nice selection of inverts as well.
Cool!!! It should be fun finally being able to show a tank that is not in shambles. I just posted in the Muck thread that my urchin got me last night. It was a short spine one so no real poison. Just like a little skin prick.
Yes, sometimes the inverts are more fun to watch than anything else. Have a great visit with your parents. You have done well for yourself. They will be proud !!! :Cheers:
Today I am going to my LFS and am hopefully going to add to my tank's invert diversity. Depending on what they have, I want to get a fancy starfish, an urchin, a couple different types of shrimp, a clam, and some decorative crabs. I hope they have stuff in stock!

Be sure you get the sale price Biff.

St Patrick's Day Weekend Sale!!!!!!!

Thursday- Friday- Saturday and Sunday!!!!!

35% off Corals!!!!!!

25% off Fish!!!!!

15% off Inverts!!!!!

10% off Drygoods!!!!!

For all of you who have seen our shark tank we have a little surprise, our sharks are now laying eggs come see what is to be considered a rare occurrence in captivity!!!!!

Robert Inman
Michael Martinez
Jason Pannell

Southwest Aquatics
3540 N Oracle Rd Suite #120
Tucson, AZ 85705
I thought they were having a sale this weekend! I remembered getting an email about it, and when Justin was over, he reminded me of the sale.