Amba's Dream Tank

Not sure if you have thought about it or not , but the U tube on that overflow might get pretty nasty at times. I used this on the last U tube setup I had to help keep it clean

TLF-MF1 Premium Aquatics - TLF-MF1 Aquarium Supplies

Build looks like its coming together nicely , looking forward to seeing it complete.

I've never seen that, im going to order one, thanks for the share. Super pumped to finally be able to start the tank!

My mom broke her ankle two days ago, so off to bit of a late start after breakfast, but everything is ready to go. The rest of my packages are all in transit and due for delivery by 2pm. Got some bungie cords to hold the tank to the front of my truck in case a little old lady decides to stop on a dime I wont smash my tank.

I'll be making a few trips to Lowes here and there, but for the most part I have every single thing I need to complete the tank TODAY. Stay tuned for the biggest picture-gasm you have ever had :p


It's 2:30PM, the stand is here, the tank is here and wiped clean, I am currently plumbing the sump to both of my overflows. I got my BRAND SPANKIN NEW RODI from BRS today, along with a bunch of other stuff (A few TOMS aqualifters for dosing etc).

My water pressure isn't where I would like it to be, I have been getting RODI water from a friend for my 29g, it was easy because a 29g uses little top off water, but for this system I invested in the BRS 4 stage PLUS combo pack. My PSI (I have a well) is only ~35psi but it varies throughout the day. Trying to figure out a way to make it work without waiting for a booster pump. I have a minijet, maybe I can rig that up somehow.

Anyways here are some pictures, we are about to eat lunch, and then I'll run to Lowes, finish the plumbing, and start attaching some of the goodies!

Stay tuned, this is only the beginning :p

PICS ARE COMING, just have to upload.

All my Fiji Pink has been added to the tank. I got an additional bag of Flamingo for some pizazz and color. Got my calcium reactor partially installed, and the overflow plumbed. RODI water is cruising along. Here's more pics!



Also sorry about the blue pics, my T5's are running, I'll turn them off so nobody goes blind, I was needing extra light for under the stand. Installing a shop light in the stand now.