Reefing newb
ick is a parisite that ataches to your fish and scatching can ne sign.look for littlle white spots.The cleaner shrimp may help.It may eat the ick if it truly does have it.Hmm no article yet to recomend.
The main symptom of this disease is the small sugar-grain like spots which give the disease one of its common names. Fish may also rub against hard objects. In advanced stages, fish may be observed gasping and gill damage may be apparent.
The disease is caused by a protozoan parasite, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, and is very contagious. The parasites spend a portion of their life cycle embedded beneath the skin of the fish, where they feed from the body tissue. The white cyst in which they are enclosed gives the characteristic white spots. Adults emerge from these cysts and fall to the floor of the aquarium, where they multiply inside a protective capsule. Some time later, the capsule bursts, releasing hundreds of free-swimming infectious parasites which attach themselves to new hosts. Whitespot is often introduced with new fish which have not been quarantined. Outbreaks of whitespot often occur after fish have been exposed to cooler than normal temperatures. Tangs are prone to ick.
The main symptom of this disease is the small sugar-grain like spots which give the disease one of its common names. Fish may also rub against hard objects. In advanced stages, fish may be observed gasping and gill damage may be apparent.
The disease is caused by a protozoan parasite, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, and is very contagious. The parasites spend a portion of their life cycle embedded beneath the skin of the fish, where they feed from the body tissue. The white cyst in which they are enclosed gives the characteristic white spots. Adults emerge from these cysts and fall to the floor of the aquarium, where they multiply inside a protective capsule. Some time later, the capsule bursts, releasing hundreds of free-swimming infectious parasites which attach themselves to new hosts. Whitespot is often introduced with new fish which have not been quarantined. Outbreaks of whitespot often occur after fish have been exposed to cooler than normal temperatures. Tangs are prone to ick.