If your clean up crew has cleaned up the system well enough that food source is now a problem you have too many clean up members and need to take a few back to the lfs for credit. if the crabs do not have food they will canibalize each other to survive and also attact the snails. only keep things in your system that contribute to the system and not just take from it. if the crabs are not contributing any longer reduce them drastically or remove them.
Salarias Fasciatus (Bloch, 1786)
Jeweled Rockskipper (Jeweled Blenny, Lawnmower Blenny)
-max. length 5.1 in.
-range Indo Pacific
-Min. Aquarium size; 55 gal
-Foods & Feeding; Vegetable matter, including frozen and dried foods containing marine algae and the blue green alga spirulina. Does best if a crop of microalgae (its natural source of food) is present in the aquarium.
-Aquarium Suitability 4 out of 5.
-Reef Aquarium Compatibility; May nip at stony corals and clam mantles. Its feeding activity stirs up sediment, putting detritus into syspension where it can be removed by mechanical filters.
-Captive care; This is a utility fish acquired by many aquarists to help control filamentous and film algae. (it will leave curious, full lipped kiss marks on the walls of the aquarium where it rasps away algal growth.) May starve in tanks that are not well established or that have insufficient algae. large individuals will attack fish tankmates, including other blenny species, especially in smaller aquariums. Keep singly, unless in a large system or if a male/female pair is obtained. Never keep with seahorses or pipefishes, which it will harass. Keep us posted. hope this helps.