Advices need it on my coverted 30 gals tank

Replace evaporated salt water & feeding question??

My 30 gals tank evaporates water almost everyday. Does anyone have a efficient way of replacing the evaporated water? I know they sell equipment out there to do the job. But I am wondering beside manually doing it, does anyone do it differently or have another way of doing it? Or what do people do when they are on vacation for about a week or so?

p.s. Oh yes... beside water evaporation how about food? I would like to know if someone have expenience on this matter.

Thanks for reading
My tank has the same issue and I am just adding fresh(no salt) RO to top it off.
When the water evaporates the salinity rises so no salt is needed.Luckly for vacations my neighbor runs a fish department at a LFS,and he know his stuff
So he help me out and I help him out.Maybe some can do the same for you.
Hmm... I don't think anyone can help me on this issue. I need to figure it out before I can head out for vacation. Again, I know they sell water dripping system or some sort of system to refill the tank with R/O freshwater. Also, feeding the fish as well, any suggestion on these/both issues.
as long as your fish are well fed, leaving them to their devices for 5 days is of little consequence. the top up water though is another issue. you could use a kent marine dripper, they go up to 5 gallons. you will need to check and see what drip rate keeps you in the window and once established even if a little too much or too little you will be able to adjust when you get back, as long as you do not over flow the system otherwise there are dosers that will pull form a container and deposit to the system such as the aquamedic top off system for about 135 dollars. comes with a float, pump, and dispenser all you need is electricity. hope something here helps.
Question - unknown green plant...??? good or bad?

Hi folks, it's been over a week since my last post. I have been observing my tank for the past couple weeks and noticed there are some strange plant like green stuff growing on the rock. I am not sure what they are. I hope it's not something serious. If you guys know what they are, please let me know. If it's something bad, please advice me what to do.

Thanks in advance...

Here's are some pictures.



Not sure but it may be the begining of some kind of macro-algae growth.If it is thats good.Macro help export nutrients and consumes nitrates.Also most tangs and angels will eat the stuff up.
Just to make you feel better my 125 is over 6 months old with the contents of my orginal 55 gallon, so some of the contents of the tank are over a year and a half old. A few months ago I added a fish that cost me $70, looked fine in the tank for over 8 hours, went to bed... woke up and it was dead the next morning. Some times fish just can't handle the stress and croak on you.

P.S. No more $70 fish for me. :)
Thanks guys for the encouragement. Beside that unknown green plant, I am still battling black hair algae. I don't turn on the light that often now. Only 5 hours the most instead of 10 hours before. Lately I have added a cleaner shrimp, new blenny (smaller & seems to be fine), gobe and a star fish. So far so good. Snails and hermit crab still alive. Just the hair algae are driving me nut.

Anyway, tested the water and they all look okay. Will continue to monitor.... some more. Pasted the 1st month mark a week ago (5 weeks now).

Thanks for reading...
Latest addition pictures of my 30 gal tank

Hello guys, here are the latest addition of my 30 gal tank.

1 - Bubble tip Anemone (1st anemone I ever owned)
1 - Green Frogspawn coral (also 1st coral I ever owned, my wife want it)
1 - Blue tang (small)
1 - sea urchin (don't know what kind is it, it's been eating lot of algae)
1 - Lawnmower blenny (this one survived for over 3 weeks)
1 - Red starfish
1 - Cleaner shrimp
1 - yellow face gobe (i think)
1 - 3 spot damselfish (Thinking of giving it to my friend, having hard time catching it. Any suggestion?)

Don't worry guys, I have been adding them SLOWLY for the past 2 months. I just bought the frogspawn and bubble tip anemone yesterday. So far they are doing good. I was having a little problem on placing the bubble tip yesterday. It was hiding itself in a hole. I have to turn over the rock this moring just to make sure it stay and like where it's at for now. Hopefully, it doesn't move again tonight. I will know tomorrow (cross my fingers).

Any good tips on taking care of them? I read several articles and spoke with the pet store owner and he told me that I don't really have to feed them, it will filter out food from the water. And that not what I read from some of the sites. I actually fed the anomone this moring with a small piece of shrimp and it took it. :) COOL... :^: Now what about the frogspawn? I read from somewhere it like brine shrimp and stuff. Do I have to feed it to it's month or something????

Again, I have been monitoring my water and did my routine water change (about every 2 weeks, 10%) and tested water condition (came out good). :)

Thanks for reading...




Hey Jack,
Nice pics of the tank,your urchin is a pincushion,Ive got one,he collects all sorts of things as he travels round the tank.
Thanks for the common and info Pilchergate. Now I know what kind of sea urchin that is. It does travel alot. While it's traveling around the tank, it eats up some of the algae. Do you feed your sea urchin anything else behind algae?

Thanks for looking...
New Bubble Tip Anemone

Thanks Jasen... I read about this place before (reef chilli). They are also available on ebay. I was going to post and ask someone if they have use this product before and how they like it. Also, they have so many different types. Any idea on telling which one to use? Also, do you guys have any problem with Bubble Tip anemone moving around to different spots in the tank. This morning when I checked it, it's in a different location (behind the big rock - inside) I barely can see him. :( Hope it comes out when I get home from work.

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There is only one kind now.I believe he had a frozen version once.Now there is just different sizes.I was going to mention in my last reply that bubles tend to move around till there happy.Hopefully it will stay away from your frogspawn coral.Once get the damsel out try to replace it with a clown of some kind.If you do it may host the bubble and increase its chances and the bubble will usually find a content spot and stay there.Also if you keep the damsel(not recomended by me) it may also host the bubble since clowns and and damsels are in the same family.
Yeah... I agree. Thanks for the info. I am trying to get the damselfish out but it's too quick to catch it for the moment. It's funny that you mention it that it's making itself at home on the BTA. It was trying to rest on it yesterday. Again, I can barely see the BTA. It's behind the rock now and I can't see it from the front view off the tank. What should I do? Should I or can it move the rocks around and hope it will find a good place in front to settle? Please advice... anybody?
If the anemone is traveling, it is not happy and is searching for a better location. if not found it may just retrun to the front. if not check out what is different when it settles than the front and set the front light and current same as behind. this may help keep um in front. for now though just wait it out. best thing is not to mess with um. let um find its spot.
be careful with that tang. hes going to get big fast and outgrow your tank. The bta will stop when hes happy. Also tangs are more susceptible to ich. Other than that it looks greaat so far
when the tang gets too big for the system you can take it back to the lfs and get a smaller one in trade, but, they are prone to ick if stressed.
Hey guys, when you said ick/ich... does it means itch? I am trying to understand the terminology of it. If you guys meant itch, I did see it before. Tang was scratching himself against the rock. It that it? If so, is he stressed for some reason? I get I stressed him out for some reason.... I guess as long as is not a disease or sickness, I am okay with it. And I will try to not stress him out then. hahaha... Thanks for the info john and ReefWannabe.