Reef enthusiast
It's a 65g tank w/ stand and wooden hood to concel the light for $150. Is this worth the price?
It's not a bad deal, but consider that you will have to drill the tank for overflows, and modify the hood for lights. You may hold out for a SW ready setup. Also, I just upgraded from a 75 because I was so tired of being told that my tank was too small for the livestock I wanted. GO BIG! :)
Looks like its a FW system. What else does it come with? If you like the woody look, then its a good deal for the stand tank and hood alone, but if they throw in filters and stuff, even better.
That's a good point. You should ask them about any meds that they have used in the tank so you will know what you are up against.The only thing that I would be concerned about would be making sure to clean the heck out of it before you set it up. I have heard from people that used a old fresh tank and didnt clean it well and had problems due to fresh water meds. However with a good scrub down with a vinegar and water solution and ditch everything else that might be in the tank then I would say go for it good find.