50% Off @ LFS


Reef enthusiast
I've just returned from the LFS with $40 worth of new tankmates.

They are going outta business and everything in the store is 50% off regular prices.

I picked up a rock with about 100 polyps for $15. I think they are some type of blue zoas and a couple brown button polyps. Will have to wait till they open.

I also got 2 featherdusters.

And my final fish--an impulsive buy for my kids--Nemo :shock: An Ocellaris clown. It's unique though. The stripe on the head--right behind the eyes--it's not fully connected on the left side. It stops just above the eye and then starts again about 1/16" further down the side of the head. I came home and made a big show about not making fun of him because he's not perfect. (is it a "he" ? LOL)
I didn't even take it out of the paper sack and I was telling my kids, "Now don't laugh at him. He's not perfect. Remember how Nemo had one bad fin? Well, this little guy has one bad stripe. We need to make him feel welcome and don't stare at his stripe just because it's not perfect."

They're going total apesh*t, "Is it Nemo!?! Is it Nemo!?!?"

And I pulled it outta the paper sack and gave them a quick look before I put the bag in the tank to acclimate.

Giggles all around. :mrgreen:

What the hell? It was $9.99

I'll post pics late tonight or tomorrow morning after things settle in.
sweet !! i LOVE mis barred clownfish. in fact i have 2 of em !! just a tidbit of info for you ...

only 1 out of every 10 clownfish are mis barred !!

Mis-barred means their stripes aren't "normal", they don't connect, they're blotchy, etc.

Good finds RC! If you got blue zoas on that rock, then FRAG THOSE BABIES UP FOR ME! Blue zoas are rare and expensive. Unless you're Rigo, of course. :)
Does Reef Dip kill pods?

I want to dip this polyp colony that I got, but I know it's covered in pods. Some of them are pods that I don't have in my tank, so it would be nice to import them as hitchhikers.

But, I'm also freaked out about parasites and nudis.
OH MAN!! :bounce: I have no idea what they are, but I got some polyps that look black or very, very, very dark blue/purple. They're on that big rock with about 100 polyps. There's 3 or 4 of them.

I've rushed my acclimation tonight. 2hrs and the clown went in the tank. I just released the feather dusters after about 2.5hrs and I'm dipping the polyps right now at 2.5hrs. The dusters are already out and waving back and forth in the current.

Pic time. Actinics only. Give me 10--20 minutes to snap, load and post. :^:
Cant wait that is some great deals.

BTW biff I went into a new LFS here and he had to big rocks one with aleast 200 to 300 polyp of blue zoos for 65.00 and a 100 to 200 polyp rock for 45.00. Great looking zoos at a great price.
Thats a really nice feather duster nice and big. I cant really see the zoos though. But all in all great deals.
Does Reef Dip kill pods?

I want to dip this polyp colony that I got, but I know it's covered in pods. Some of them are pods that I don't have in my tank, so it would be nice to import them as hitchhikers.

But, I'm also freaked out about parasites and nudis.

if it contains iodine in high consentrations it will kill pods.
Blurry Rc but I still can tell the clown is sharp.I couldn't see the dark polyps next to the zoos under actinics.

Bobby,just to let you know,I past you on post counts! Ha! Ha!
LOL Shut up. I'm soo busy I dont have as much time to get on here any more. Believe me Biff I wanted to and came close but I'm trying not to spend much till I get my halide so my wife does'nt get pissed. They were nice though. The skirt was dark blue or purplish the mid center was sky blue and the center was a whitish blue.
I'll put some pics up tomorrow when the lights are all on. My actinic just went off, so the tank is dark for the night.

Nemo hasn't found a rock to hide out yet. He's just swimming back and forth--up and down. Seams stressed or nervous. Or is that just how clowns act?