200gal built in wall


My Kole Tang. As you see the hair algae I am having trouble with.


Somebody please help
Also some of my SPS have lost there color look at the birds nest. Since I stuck him in the sand he is getting his color back. Like I said this is my first saltwater tank
You don't have too much flow. I think you have too little. You want to aim for at least a rate of 10x turnover the volume of your tank per hour. Some people on here even have it at 100x the volume of their tank. And you need to make sure there is flow where the algae is building up. It doesn't look like there is a lot of water movement on the bottom of your tank. I agree with PRC, that you should get several smaller powerheads and place them throughout the tank.

Also, your tank looks pretty dark. Please refresh my memory (it's probably easier than skimming the thread). What types of lights do you have?

Do you use any power/wet-dry/trickle/canister filters?

Are you still having problems posting your photos? I can see them just fine.
Stay away from SPS for awhile.. I'd say 6 months if not more...There are plenty of easy corals that can withstand fluctuations in your parameteres...SPS isn't one of them. You want to have and be able to keep a very stable environment for hard corals. They tend to be very sensitive and require more demanding light.

You don't have alot of rock in there right now, so try to build a decent sized pile of rock and place him on top of the pile, and lower them lights..He needs more light than what he's getting...That's probably not the only issue, but it's the only one we can resolve immediately.

He may be a goner anyway, but it's worth a try to save him.
Also, your tank looks pretty dark. Please refresh my memory (it's probably easier than skimming the thread). What types of lights do you have?

Do you use any power/wet-dry/trickle/canister filters?

Are you still having problems posting your photos? I can see them just fine.

I think he's doing a blackout right now because of the algae/cyano problems.
You want to know something. I kind of wished I didn't put this in our bedroom wall. We get no privacy at all. We have 6 kids so figure it out people. The other reason is now it's an excuse to add on to the house with a full basement,and a upstairs. I dont like sitting in the hallway to enjoy the tank that or in our bedroom.
You don't have too much flow. I think you have too little. You want to aim for at least a rate of 10x turnover the volume of your tank per hour. Some people on here even have it at 100x the volume of their tank. And you need to make sure there is flow where the algae is building up. It doesn't look like there is a lot of water movement on the bottom of your tank. I agree with PRC, that you should get several smaller powerheads and place them throughout the tank.

Also, your tank looks pretty dark. Please refresh my memory (it's probably easier than skimming the thread). What types of lights do you have?

Do you use any power/wet-dry/trickle/canister filters?

Are you still having problems posting your photos? I can see them just fine.

In the picture all I had on was 2 T-5. 1 -blue, 1-purple
You don't have too much flow. I think you have too little. You want to aim for at least a rate of 10x turnover the volume of your tank per hour. Some people on here even have it at 100x the volume of their tank. And you need to make sure there is flow where the algae is building up. It doesn't look like there is a lot of water movement on the bottom of your tank. I agree with PRC, that you should get several smaller powerheads and place them throughout the tank.

Also, your tank looks pretty dark. Please refresh my memory (it's probably easier than skimming the thread). What types of lights do you have?

Do you use any power/wet-dry/trickle/canister filters?

Are you still having problems posting your photos? I can see them just fine.
Yeh but I think the problem is my internet server
How long should someone keep the purple lights on and how long for the blue ones? When should I turn them before and after I turn my halides of. The guy that was helping me with my tank isn't anymore because I think he was trying to crash it slowly. This tank has been running for 9 months now. I crashed my tank the 3rd or 4th week of having water in it. My fifth week I put coral in and that was after fixing a seal. I have accomplished running my power with solor panels. My next step for light is 2 solar domes and 1 400wt halide.
Click your microsoft logo on the bottom left of your screen. in the area that you can type in....type picture manager..then edit
Does anyone know how hard it is to raise sea horses. Can I put them with coral, lawn mower blenny, sand goby, and kole tang. I know that they have to have hitching posts, good water quality, Stable tempatures.
They are compatible with certain types of corals, but most are off-limits, as they can be stung by corals when they try to hitch on them. They are most likely not compatible with the other fish you listed. It would be tough for them to get food with that crowd. As David said, they should be kept in their own specialized tank.
My water Perimeters are
High PH =8.5
Ammonia = .25
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = 0
Carbonate Water = 35.8
Phosphates =0
Calcium = 400
My calcium is low and I just dosed it after checking everything
you calcium is low but not low enough to require dosing...most people on here don't dose anything in there tanks. Your don't have enough coral in your tanks to worry about it.